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3D Formats

Where else are you going to keep your 3D data?...


3DS Part 2- "the journey continues" - More Chunks

by bkenwright@xbdev.net



Some simple changes from tutorial part -1-.  I'm going to use "int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)" instead of "void main()" for the entry point....as its the windows entry point...and later on I'll be doing simple simple directx routines to output our 3d data.  As its one thing to have the 3d data...but if I display it as well with a few simple directx routines it makes things a little easy to swallow.


There first thing I do is build from the other tutorial by adding adding some keyframes to our box.3ds file - e.g animating it.  So we could see that the keyframe chunks are in the file.  I do this by adding in a "void ReadKEYF3DS(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)" function, which dumps the main keyframe chunks out to our text file.


Our wonderful code:


// Our .3DS file that we'll use for testing.

#define FILENAME "cube.3ds"


#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>


// I've put the chunk defenitions in a seperate file on there own, called

// chunkdetails.h, which we'll include here.

#include "chunkdetails.h"



/*                                                                         */

/* Write feedback information to a file - so we can understand what is     */

/* really happening inside that .3ds file.                                 */

/*                                                                         */



void abc(char *s)


      FILE *fp;

      fp = fopen("t.txt", "a+");

      fprintf(fp, "%s", s);





/*                                                                         */

/* Some user functions to make the reading of the .3ds file easier         */

/*                                                                         */



struct stChunk


      unsigned short ID;

      unsigned int length;

      unsigned int bytesRead;



void ReadChunk(FILE*fp, stChunk *pChunk)


      unsigned short ID             = 0;

      unsigned int bytesRead        = 0;

      unsigned int bChunkLength     = 0;


      bytesRead = fread(&ID, 1, 2, fp);


      bytesRead += fread(&bChunkLength, 1, 4, fp);


      pChunk->ID          = ID;

      pChunk->length      = bChunkLength;

      pChunk->bytesRead   = bytesRead;




void SkipChunk(FILE*fp, stChunk *pChunk)


      int buffer[50000] = {0};


      fread(buffer, 1, pChunk->length - pChunk->bytesRead, fp);



void DisplayChunkInfo(stChunk* pChunk)


      char buf[1000] = {0};

      sprintf(buf, "Chunk ID: 0x %04x   Size of Chunk: %u\n", pChunk->ID, pChunk->length);





/*                                                                         */

/* Now we are going to read in all the branches                            */

/*                                                                         */


void ReadEDIT3DS(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)


      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;




void ReadKEYF3DS(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)



      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;






/*                                                                         */

/* Read in .3ds file.                                                      */

/*                                                                         */



void read3ds()


      FILE* pFile;

      pFile = fopen(FILENAME, "rb");



      stChunk Chunk = {0};

      ReadChunk(pFile, &Chunk);




      while(Chunk.bytesRead < Chunk.length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(pFile, &tempChunk);



            unsigned int bytesRead = 0;


            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case EDIT3DS:

                  ReadEDIT3DS(pFile, &tempChunk);

                  bytesRead = tempChunk.length;


            case KEYF3DS:

                  ReadKEYF3DS(pFile, &tempChunk);

                  bytesRead = tempChunk.length;



                  SkipChunk(pFile, &tempChunk);

                  bytesRead = tempChunk.length;



            Chunk.bytesRead += bytesRead;







/*                                                                         */

/* The program entry point, this is where we start and end.                */

/*                                                                         */







      return 0;




Output file details:

Chunk ID: 0x 4d4d Size of Chunk: 595
  Chunk ID: 0x 0002 Size of Chunk: 10
  Chunk ID: 0x 3d3d Size of Chunk: 360
     Chunk ID: 0x 3d3e Size of Chunk: 10
           Chunk ID: 0x 0100 Size of Chunk: 10
           Chunk ID: 0x 4000 Size of Chunk: 334
     Chunk ID: 0x b000 Size of Chunk: 219
           Chunk ID: 0x b00a Size of Chunk: 21
           Chunk ID: 0x b008 Size of Chunk: 14
           Chunk ID: 0x b009 Size of Chunk: 10
           Chunk ID: 0x b002 Size of Chunk: 168


As before...a quick review:

4d4d  3DS Identification
0002  File Version
3d3d  Our 3D File Information Header - This is where our 3D meshes/objects would be
0100  Scale Factor
4000  Our 3D Object - as a 3d file can contain more than one 3d object...with names and world positions etc.

 I could have to seperate 0x4000 which would give me the vertices, name etc of two different 3D objects ...circle and a square for example.

b000  Start of our KeyFrame (animation) information
b00a  Viewport layout etc - not really needed here
b008  Keyframe segment details (start and end)
b009  Start Time - again not really needed most of the time
b002  As you can see by the size - this is where our informatino is kept, node, pivot, keyframe positions etc.


Well it was worth explaining some of it again...even though a lot of the keyframe animation data is usually not needed...but we'll get to animation eventually.  As you could animate a 3D scene save it as a .3ds file and open it with our very own loader program - great for demo's etc.





Now for our next trick...we'll actually go so far as extract our vertices...yup those x,y,z things that make up our 3D Shape (our cube in this case).  So we'll get the name of our object and its details and output them to our file.


Using "void ReadNAMED_OBJECT(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)" function we are going to read in the objects and dump some details out, like the number of vertices, its shape's name, number of sides etc.  As for each 'Object'...now remember that...as for this tutorial code I've only got a single cube...but if you have 2 cubes in your 3DS file...this function would get called twice.


Staight after entering the 0x4000 chunk...I mean the "void ReadNAMED_OBJECT(..)" function, a null terminated string follows, that contains the shapes name, and can be any length, but finishes with a null indicating the end of it.

After the string name, where back to chunks again...which our nested vertice count and face count etc.



/*                                                                         */

/* Read in the actual object data                                          */

/*                                                                         */


void ReadVerticesMESH_FACES(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)


      unsigned int iNumberFaces = 0; //= Chunk->length - 6;

      Chunk->bytesRead += fread(&iNumberFaces, 1, 2, fp);  


      char buff[100];

      sprintf(buff, "Number of Faces %u\n", iNumberFaces);



      SkipChunk(fp, Chunk);



void ReadVerticesMESH_VERTICES(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)


      unsigned int iNumberVertices = 0;

      Chunk->bytesRead += fread(&iNumberVertices, 1, 2, fp);     


      // e.g. x , y, z

      char buff[100];

      sprintf(buff, "Number of Vertices %d\n", iNumberVertices);



      SkipChunk(fp, Chunk);



void LoadMeshOBJ_MESH(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)                    




      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case MESH_VERTICES:

                  ReadVerticesMESH_VERTICES(fp, &tempChunk);


            case MESH_FACES:

                  ReadVerticesMESH_FACES(fp, &tempChunk);



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;





/*                                                                         */

/* Get the object data                                                     */

/*                                                                         */


int GetString(FILE *fp)


      int index = 0;


      char buffer[100] = {0};


      fread(buffer, 1, 1, fp);


      while( *(buffer + index++) != 0)


            fread(buffer + index, 1, 1, fp);





      return (strlen(buffer) + 1);




// This is our 3D object, a cube etc.  We can have numberous of these in our

// 3DS file, a cube, sphere, etc...

void ReadNAMED_OBJECT(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)




      // The strange thing is, the next few parts of this chunk represent

      // the name of the object.  Then we start chunking again.

      unsigned int characterlen = GetString(fp);

      Chunk->bytesRead += characterlen;


      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case OBJ_MESH:

                  LoadMeshOBJ_MESH(fp, &tempChunk);



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;






/*                                                                         */

/* Now we are going to read in all the branches                            */

/*                                                                         */


void ReadEDIT3DS(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)                           //0x3D3D



      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case NAMED_OBJECT:

                  ReadNAMED_OBJECT(fp, &tempChunk);



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;




Below is our text file output - I've added a bit of colour to the below file, so you can see where nearly there.  There is light at the end of our journey after all.  You can now see our 3d object details.


Chunk ID: 0x 4d4d   Size of Chunk: 595

            Chunk ID: 0x 0002   Size of Chunk: 10

            Chunk ID: 0x 3d3d   Size of Chunk: 360


            Chunk ID: 0x 3d3e   Size of Chunk: 10

            Chunk ID: 0x 0100   Size of Chunk: 10

            Chunk ID: 0x 4000   Size of Chunk: 334



                        Chunk ID: 0x 4100   Size of Chunk: 322


                        Chunk ID: 0x 4110   Size of Chunk: 104

                        Number of Vertices 8

                        Chunk ID: 0x 4160   Size of Chunk: 54

                        Chunk ID: 0x 4120   Size of Chunk: 158

                        Number of Faces 12


Chunk ID: 0x b000   Size of Chunk: 219




Dumping Our Shape x,y,z


Now when We read our data in....We have Faces AND Vertices seperate.  With nearly all 3D file formats, this is how data is stored.  You better get used to it, so face it now, as the Face data is an array of index's into our vertex data, where each value in the array is a face....??? ...yup...well a face is a triangle.  3 vertice points make up a single triangle.  So if we had the values [0,1,2] for our first face value, that would be, triangle face uses vertices 0, 1, 2 from our vertice data we read in..simple??..huh?...well it becomes more clearer the more you think about it...and the more you play with it :)


The next code dumps our 3D file data out...the actual data!  So you can see the x,y,z values, and there corresponding face index values.  I've only changed a few lines of the code...added some new lines in to read in our data and dump it to our file, so I'll not display the whole .c file again.





/*                                                                         */

/* Read in the actual object data                                          */

/*                                                                         */


// 0x4120

void ReadVertRefsMESH_FACES(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)


      unsigned int iNumberFaces = 0; //= Chunk->length - 6;

      Chunk->bytesRead += fread(&iNumberFaces, 1, 2, fp);  


      char buff[100];

      sprintf(buff, "Number of Faces %u\n", iNumberFaces);



      // Each face is 3 points A TRIANGLE!..WOW

      struct stFace{ unsigned short p1, p2, p3; };

      stFace *pFaces = new stFace[iNumberFaces];


      Chunk->bytesRead += fread(pFaces, 1, iNumberFaces*sizeof(stFace), fp);


      for( int i=0; i<iNumberFaces; i++ )


            sprintf(buff, "\t Face:  Index1: %d, Index2: %d, Index3 %d\n",

                                                    pFaces[i].p1, pFaces[i].p2, pFaces[i].p3);




      delete pFaces;


      SkipChunk(fp, Chunk);


// 4110

void ReadVerticesMESH_VERTICES(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)


      unsigned int iNumberVertices = 0;

      Chunk->bytesRead += fread(&iNumberVertices, 1, 2, fp);     


      // e.g.  8 Vertices make up our simple box!

      char buff[300];

      sprintf(buff, "Number of Vertices %d\n", iNumberVertices);



      // Allocate Memory and dump our vertices to the screen.

      struct stVect{ float x, y, z; };

      stVect *pVerts = new stVect[iNumberVertices];


      Chunk->bytesRead += fread( (void*)pVerts, 1, iNumberVertices*sizeof(stVect), fp);


      for(int i=0; i<iNumberVertices; i++)


            sprintf(buff, "\t Vertices Point: x: %.2f, \ty: %.2f, \tz: %.2f\n",

                                                       pVerts[i].x, pVerts[i].y, pVerts[i].z);




      delete[] pVerts;



      SkipChunk(fp, Chunk);




void LoadMeshOBJ_MESH(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)




      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case MESH_VERTICES:

                  ReadVerticesMESH_VERTICES(fp, &tempChunk);


            case MESH_FACES:

                  ReadVertRefsMESH_FACES(fp, &tempChunk);



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;





/*                                                                         */

/* Get the object data                                                     */

/*                                                                         */


int GetString(FILE *fp)


      int index = 0;


      char buffer[100] = {0};


      fread(buffer, 1, 1, fp);


      while( *(buffer + index++) != 0)


            fread(buffer + index, 1, 1, fp);





      return (strlen(buffer) + 1);




// This is our 3D object, a cube etc.  We can have numberous of these in our

// 3DS file, a cube, sphere, etc...

void ReadNAMED_OBJECT(FILE *fp, stChunk* Chunk)




      // The strange thing is, the next few parts of this chunk represent

      // the name of the object.  Then we start chunking again.

      unsigned int characterlen = GetString(fp);

      Chunk->bytesRead += characterlen;


      while(Chunk->bytesRead < Chunk->length)


            stChunk tempChunk = {0};

            ReadChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            switch( tempChunk.ID)


            case OBJ_MESH:

                  LoadMeshOBJ_MESH(fp, &tempChunk);



                  SkipChunk(fp, &tempChunk);



            Chunk->bytesRead += tempChunk.length;




etc etc .....code.....


Well we run our little program up...and we get our vertices...finally ...I thought it would never come....but below shows our text file and as you can see we have our box name, and the vertice's and there face references.

Output file:

Chunk ID: 0x 4d4d   Size of Chunk: 595

Chunk ID: 0x 0002   Size of Chunk: 10

Chunk ID: 0x 3d3d   Size of Chunk: 360


Chunk ID: 0x 3d3e   Size of Chunk: 10

Chunk ID: 0x 0100   Size of Chunk: 10


Chunk ID: 0x 4000   Size of Chunk: 334



Chunk ID: 0x 4100   Size of Chunk: 322


Chunk ID: 0x 4110   Size of Chunk: 104

Number of Vertices 8

             Vertices Point: x: -4.93,           y: -22.27,         z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 7.16,             y: -22.27,         z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: -4.93,           y: 8.38,             z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 7.16,             y: 8.38,             z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: -4.93,           y: -22.27,         z: 16.17

             Vertices Point: x: 7.16,             y: -22.27,         z: 16.17

             Vertices Point: x: -4.93,           y: 8.38,             z: 16.17

             Vertices Point: x: 7.16,             y: 8.38,             z: 16.17

Chunk ID: 0x 4160   Size of Chunk: 54


Chunk ID: 0x 4120   Size of Chunk: 158

Number of Faces 12

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 2, Index3 3

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 3, Index3 1

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 6, Index3 4

             Face:  Index1: 5, Index2: 7, Index3 6

             Face:  Index1: 7, Index2: 6, Index3 4

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 0, Index3 1

             Face:  Index1: 5, Index2: 6, Index3 5

             Face:  Index1: 4, Index2: 0, Index3 6

             Face:  Index1: 1, Index2: 3, Index3 7

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 7, Index3 5

             Face:  Index1: 1, Index2: 6, Index3 3

             Face:  Index1: 2, Index2: 6, Index3 6


Chunk ID: 0x b000   Size of Chunk: 219



...Now to show you that this work even more...I did another .3ds file, one with a cube, and a sphere and some other things...saved it and loaded it into our simple program above.


Note, I colour coded the below html text so you could in effect take a quick glance at it and see the main parts easily...as it uses the "multishape.3ds" file instead of the "cube.3ds" file.  As I put a Sphere and a Cone in there file as well so you could see whats in there.  I've commented some of the code out, so it doens't take up pages of recursive numbers..


Chunk ID: 0x 4d4d   Size of Chunk: 4769

Chunk ID: 0x 0002   Size of Chunk: 10

Chunk ID: 0x 3d3d   Size of Chunk: 4197


Chunk ID: 0x 3d3e   Size of Chunk: 10

Chunk ID: 0x 0100   Size of Chunk: 10


Chunk ID: 0x 4000   Size of Chunk: 332


Chunk ID: 0x 4100   Size of Chunk: 322


Chunk ID: 0x 4110   Size of Chunk: 104

Number of Vertices 8

             Vertices Point: x: 0.40,             y: 0.00,             z: -6.36

             Vertices Point: x: 5.40,             y: 0.00,             z: -6.36

             Vertices Point: x: 0.40,             y: 0.00,             z: -1.36

             Vertices Point: x: 5.40,             y: 0.00,             z: -1.36

             Vertices Point: x: 0.40,             y: -5.00,           z: -6.36

             Vertices Point: x: 5.40,             y: -5.00,           z: -6.36

             Vertices Point: x: 0.40,             y: -5.00,           z: -1.36

             Vertices Point: x: 5.40,             y: -5.00,           z: -1.36

Chunk ID: 0x 4160   Size of Chunk: 54

Chunk ID: 0x 4120   Size of Chunk: 158

Number of Faces 12

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 2, Index3 3

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 3, Index3 1

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 6, Index3 4

             Face:  Index1: 5, Index2: 7, Index3 6

             Face:  Index1: 7, Index2: 6, Index3 4

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 0, Index3 1

             Face:  Index1: 5, Index2: 6, Index3 5

             Face:  Index1: 4, Index2: 0, Index3 6

             Face:  Index1: 1, Index2: 3, Index3 7

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 7, Index3 5

             Face:  Index1: 1, Index2: 6, Index3 3

             Face:  Index1: 2, Index2: 6, Index3 6


Chunk ID: 0x 4000   Size of Chunk: 3362 


Chunk ID: 0x 4100   Size of Chunk: 3346


Chunk ID: 0x 4110   Size of Chunk: 1112

Number of Vertices 92

             Vertices Point: x: -7.81,           y: 18.71,           z: 6.00

             Vertices Point: x: -2.44,           y: 18.71,           z: 2.68

             Vertices Point: x: -6.15,           y: 23.81,           z: 2.68

             Vertices Point: x: -12.15,         y: 21.86,           z: 2.68

             Vertices Point: x: -12.15,         y: 15.55,           z: 2.68


         //******cut out to keep short***********************//


             Vertices Point: x: -3.02,           y: 15.23,           z: 1.02

             Vertices Point: x: -6.71,           y: 22.09,           z: -4.83

             Vertices Point: x: -10.68,         y: 20.80,           z: -4.83

             Vertices Point: x: -10.68,         y: 16.62,           z: -4.83

             Vertices Point: x: -6.71,           y: 15.32,           z: -4.83

             Vertices Point: x: -4.25,           y: 18.71,           z: -4.83

Chunk ID: 0x 4160   Size of Chunk: 54

Chunk ID: 0x 4120   Size of Chunk: 2174

Number of Faces 180

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 12, Index3 14

             Face:  Index1: 7, Index2: 12, Index3 13

             Face:  Index1: 72, Index2: 7, Index3 12


             //******cut out to keep short***********************//


             Face:  Index1: 86, Index2: 31, Index3 30

             Face:  Index1: 7, Index2: 86, Index3 30

             Face:  Index1: 40, Index2: 7, Index3 40

             Face:  Index1: 30, Index2: 5, Index3 7


Chunk ID: 0x 4000   Size of Chunk: 477


Chunk ID: 0x 4100   Size of Chunk: 466


Chunk ID: 0x 4110   Size of Chunk: 152

Number of Vertices 12

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 28.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 24.22,           y: 1.82,             z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 17.52,           y: -0.36,           z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 17.52,           y: -7.41,           z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 24.22,           y: -9.59,           z: 0.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

             Vertices Point: x: 22.37,           y: -3.88,           z: 10.00

Chunk ID: 0x 4160   Size of Chunk: 54

Chunk ID: 0x 4120   Size of Chunk: 254

Number of Faces 20

             Face:  Index1: 0, Index2: 2, Index3 1

             Face:  Index1: 2, Index2: 0, Index3 3

             Face:  Index1: 2, Index2: 2, Index3 0

             Face:  Index1: 4, Index2: 3, Index3 2


            //******cut out to keep short***********************//


             Face:  Index1: 4, Index2: 5, Index3 10

             Face:  Index1: 6, Index2: 5, Index3 6

             Face:  Index1: 10, Index2: 3, Index3 5

             Face:  Index1: 1, Index2: 6, Index3 6


Chunk ID: 0x b000   Size of Chunk: 556



There's still more... Yup, as you must agree we could now create a simple 3DS Loader program, we have our vertices and shape data.  But theres one more little piece of information we need to get.  Colours and textures.  As we want to know what colour our shape is don't we, and if it has a texture, what the textures name is and how to wrap it to our shape.  Well it not to hard, with a few more lines of code we can get that easily.


Stay tuned.


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