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glTF File Format Tutorials

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Skinned Bee

There are different ways of doing animations - the simplest is to have each mesh associated with a transform (matrix) - you update the transform and the mesh moves around (scaled, rotated and translated). However, this makes it difficult to create soft body effets - with smooth surfaces.

Skinned animations is a mixed of rigid skeletons and a mesh surface - similar to the human body - we have a skeleton under our body - as the skeleton moves so the skin on the surface. The animation principle for skinning is very similar - we create a rigid skeleton (called nodes) - each of which have a transform - we animate these using animation frames.

The Bee in the image below shows a single mesh which is getting animated by 112 bones - the different colors indicated the areas of the mesh which are influenced by different bones.

Skinned Bee model, the colors help show the bone/weight influence areas for the mesh.
Skinned Bee model, the colors help show the bone/weight influence areas for the mesh.

The `skin` is a mesh which `links` to the skeleton. However, instead of a single transform for each mesh, we have a transform for each vertex! Not just one transform, but typically 4. We average between the multiple transforms to create `smooth` deformations (when two vertices next to each other are influenced by different transforms they don't just snap or change sharply).

The model data for this tutorial uses a simple insect with wings - both the binary and ascii versions:
• Models (.glb) (Bee.glb )
• Models (.gltf) (Bee.gltf)

Details about the model:
Number of Meshes: 1
Number of Nodes: 112
Number of Materials: 1
Number of Textures: 5
Number of Animations: 3
Number of Skins: 1

At this point, we need to load:
1. mesh (collection of vertex data - includes positions, joint indexes and weights)
2. joint data (hierarchy/skeleton/nodes)
3. animatoin data (control/move the joints)

The concept of skinning might seem like a lot of work - adding extra transform data to each vertex - when you've got a complex skinned model with hundreds of thousands of vertices - it might seem impossible? However, with tools like Blender or Maya; it's easy to setup the skinned mesh/file data - these specialist modeling packages help manage the complexity of designing and setting the weights so the final animated data is perfect.

Loading in the Mesh Data

The mesh for the Bee is a single set of vertex data (single mesh) - you can have multiple meshes/animations/skins inside a glTF file - but for this example, we have only a single mesh/skin.

Mesh 0 NameMesh_0
   Primitive 0
PrimitiveMode4   // 4 is the default for triangle list in glTF meshes
Number of Vertices29635
      Number of Indices

If we look at a few of the vertices for the positions and indices, these are what we'd expect for any mesh:

Dump the first 12 vertex values
Vertex Position 01.475.965.64
Vertex Position 11.416.015.51
Vertex Position 21.306.085.64
Vertex Position 31.366.045.80
Vertex Position
Vertex Position 51.356.045.44
Vertex Position 61.355.344.70
Vertex Position 71.475.514.90
Vertex Position 81.495.364.80
Vertex Position 91.305.524.79
Vertex Position 101.635.455.01
Vertex Position 111.635.304.90
Vertex Position 121.755.195.00,

Now, let's dump the first 12 indices values (triangle index list):
Indices Triangle 0:  012
Indices Triangle 1:  230
Indices Triangle 2:  421
Indices Triangle 3:  415
Indices Triangle 4:  678
Indices Triangle 5:  769
Indices Triangle 6:  81011
Indices Triangle 7:  1087
Indices Triangle 8:  121113
Indices Triangle 9:  111013
Indices Triangle 10:  141516
Indices Triangle 11:  151417
Indices Triangle 12:  181920

These seems logical and correct (we're limiting the vertex data with floating point alues to 2 decimal places).

Now for the joint indices and weights - which are stored with the mesh data.

The joint indexes are stored as unsigned integers (not floating points) - and the index values should be within the joint range (i.e., 0 to number of joints - 1).

As there are thousands of vertices, let's dump the first 12, plus a few other ones later on - so you can see the values change.

Vertex Joint Index 02000,  
Vertex Joint Index 12000
Vertex Joint Index 22000
Vertex Joint Index 32000
Vertex Joint Index 42000
Vertex Joint Index 52000
Vertex Joint Index 62000
Vertex Joint Index 72000
Vertex Joint Index 82000
Vertex Joint Index 92000
Vertex Joint Index 102000
Vertex Joint Index 112000
Vertex Joint Index 122000,
Vertex Joint Index 2816888900
Vertex Joint Index 30729392940
Vertex Joint Index 3584909100
Vertex Joint Index 384093949592

We have the same number of weights as we do joints. A very important point to note - is the weights for each vertex should add up to 1.0.

Vertex Weights,  // Note the sum == 1.0!!!
Vertex Weights,  // == 1
Vertex Weights,  // == 1
Vertex Weights,  // == 1
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights
Vertex Weights 33280.610.390.000.00// == 1
Vertex Weights 35840.900.100.000.00// == 1
Vertex Weights 38400.500.480.010.01

These values can be loaded into GPU buffers and passed to the vertex shader - for testing we can just render the mesh as we would any other mesh without the influence of the joints/weights. If the vertex data is correct the mesh should be shown on screen.

Vertex code snippet showing the vertex data being used without any skinning:

fn vmain(inputVertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
let mvp transforms.projection transforms.view transforms.model;
output.position mvp vec4(input.position.xyz1.0);

With the skinning transforms, we modify this code to the following:

fn vmain(inputVertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
let mvp transforms.projection transforms.view transforms.model;
skinnedMatrix mat4x4<f32> =
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +

// Transform the vertex position
let skinnedPosition skinnedMatrix vec4(input.position.xyz1.0);

output.position mvp skinnedPosition;

If the weight value is
that means the transforms has zero impact on the output and is nulled out.

Bone (or Joint) Data

Let's move onto the bones. We load the bone data in; and is nothing more than an array of transforms. These can be matrices or a mix - however, for animated bones local transforms as a position, scale and rotation - these are easier to interpolate between than matrices.

The glTF file format refers to the bones (or joints) as `nodes`.

For the Bee model, there are 112 nodes - that means their is 112 joints! (however, that does not mean all of them will be used for the skinned animation, but we need to load them all).

Loading and dumping the node data we would see this:

Node 0 Namebee.110
: Default (000)
Rotation: Default (0001)
Scale: Default (111)
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes
Node 1 
: Default (000)
Rotation: Default (0001)
Scale: Default (111)
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes
Node 2 
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes
Node 3 
Rotation: -0.0,0.4,0.0,0.9,
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes
Node 4 
Rotation: -0.0,0.1,-0.1,1.0,
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes
Node 107 Namebody_jnt.3
: -0.0,471.1,40.6,
Rotation: -0.1,-0.7,0.1,0.7,
Scale: Default (111)
        Mesh Index
        Skin Index
        Child Nodes

Dumped the first 5, plus node 107 - to show the variety of information. Important to note the nodes provide hierarchical information - which children are connected to each node. The transform for each node is a local transform only - so to get the world transform (which is what we need) we have to combined all the transforms from each child.

If we load all the nodes and connect them together in a hierarchy, we get something like this (use indentation to represent a 'child'):

RootNode.0 (Index111)
geo.109 (Index1)
bee.110 (Index0)
skeletal.1 (Index110)
1645859359680_0 (Index109)
root_jnt.2 (Index108)
body_jnt.3 (Index107)
head_Jnt.4 (Index28)
r_mandibre_jnt01.5 (Index4)
r_mandibre_jnt02.6 (Index3)
r_mandibre_jnt03.7 (Index2)
l_mandible_jnt01.8 (Index7)
l_mandible_jnt02.9 (Index6)
l_mandible_jnt03.10 (Index5)
l_antenna_jnt01.11 (Index12)
l_antenna_jnt02.12 (Index11)
l_antenna_jnt03.13 (Index10)
l_antenna_jnt04.14 (Index9)
l_antenna_jnt05.15 (Index8)
r_antenna_jnt01.16 (Index17)
r_antenna_jnt02.17 (Index16)
r_antenna_jnt03.18 (Index15)
r_antenna_jnt04.19 (Index14)
r_antenna_jnt05.20 (Index13)
l_big_labrum_jnt01.21 (Index20)
l_big_labrum_jnt02.22 (Index19)
l_big_labrum_endjnt.23 (Index18)
l_small_labrum_jnt01.24 (Index22)
l_small_labrum_endjnt.25 (Index21)
r_big_labrum_jnt01.26 (Index25)
r_big_labrum_jnt02.27 (Index24)
r_big_labrum_endjnt.28 (Index23)
r_smalr_labrum_jnt01.29 (Index27)
r_smalr_labrum_endjnt.30 (Index26)
abdomen_root_jnt.31 (Index33)
abdomen_jnt01.32 (Index32)
abdomen_jnt02.33 (Index31)
abdomen_jnt03.34 (Index30)
abdomen_jnt04.35 (Index29)
thorax_jnt.36 (Index106)
r_wingroot_jnt.37 (Index39)
r_wing_jnt01.38 (Index38)
r_wing_jnt02.39 (Index37)
r_wing_jnt03.40 (Index36)
r_wing_jnt04.41 (Index35)
r_wing_endjnt.42 (Index34)
l_wingroot_jnt.43 (Index45)
l_wing_jnt01.44 (Index44)
l_wing_jnt02.45 (Index43)
l_wing_jnt03.46 (Index42)
l_wing_jnt04.47 (Index41)
l_wing_endjnt.48 (Index40)
l_foreleg_jnt01.49 (Index55)
l_foreleg_jnt02.50 (Index54)
l_foreleg_jnt03.51 (Index53)
l_foreleg_jnt04.52 (Index52)
l_foreleg_jnt05.53 (Index51)
l_foreleg_jnt06.54 (Index50)
l_foreleg_jnt07.55 (Index49)
l_foreleg_jnt08.56 (Index48)
l_foreleg_jnt09.57 (Index47)
l_foreleg_jnt010.58 (Index46)

For the Bee model - everything is connected to the root node - however, this isn't a rule - you can have multiple root nodes - each with their own hierarchy! Just somethinig to be aware of if you try more complex animations/files/examples.

We construct a local matrix for each node (using the transform from each node). This is the `default` hierarchy transform for the idle test post (without any animation).

As the local transform is now a matrix for each node, we can recurse the hierarchy and build the world transform for each node. We start at the root and pass the transform down the hierarchy.

We do this in two parts:
1. Build the hierarchy
2. Update the hierarch with 'world' transforms

First, let's build the hierarchy from the array of nodes:

    // 'nodes' variable is an array of all the nodes loaded in earlier, build the hierarchy
    // use the node indexes
function buildHierarchy(nodeIndexnodes) {
// Get the current node
let node nodes[nodeIndex];

        if (!
node) {
console.error(`Node at index ${nodeIndex} not found!`);

// Recursively build children hierarchies
let children = (node.children || []).map(childIndex => buildHierarchy(childIndexnodes));

let localmat mat4.create();
              if ( 
node.matrix )
let scale       node.scale node.scale : [1,1,1];
let rotation    node.rotation node.rotation : [0,0,0,1];
let translation node.translation node.translation : [0,0,0];
let rotMat   mat4.create();
let scaleMat mat4.create();
let transMat mat4.create();
rotMat   mat4.fromQuat(mat4.create(), rotation);
scaleMat mat4.fromScaling(mat4.create(), scale);
mat4.translate(transMatmat4.create(), translation);

mat4.multiply(localmatlocalmattransMat);  // Finally translation  
mat4.multiply(localmatlocalmatrotMat);    // Then rotation
mat4.multiply(localmatlocalmatscaleMat);  // Scale first
// Return the node with its hierarchy
return {
namenode.name || `Unnamed Node ${nodeIndex}`,
// other information for each node (e.g., animation transforms)

Second, let's construct the world transform for each node using the parent-child relationship fo the hierarchy:

    function updateHierarchyMatrices(nodeparentMatrix) {

// Add in the animation transform data here later on

        // combine the local matrix with the parent
mat4.multiply(node.worldmatparentMatrixnode.localmat  );
// Recursively print children (pass this world matrix to the child)
(node.children || []).forEach(child => updateHierarchyMatrices(childnode.worldmat));

This gives us a hierarchy with transforms both in local and world space.

At this point, we've done a lot of work - but this is the step that hits most people hard - the inverse transforms! The transform for each node is in node space - and our vertex position is in mesh space.

We don't need to animate the inverse transforms to convert the vertex position to the joint space - so an array of inverse transforms is stored on the mesh.

Inverse Transforms

Each skin has an array of inverse transforms as an array of matrices (mat4x4) which we can load easily.

For example, loading the inverse matrices from the glTF file:

// Load inverse bind matrices
const inverseBindMatricesAccessor parsedData.accessors[skin.inverseBindMatrices];
inverseBindMatricesBufferView parsedData.bufferViews[inverseBindMatricesAccessor.bufferView];
inverseBindMatricesBuffer parsedData.buffers[inverseBindMatricesBufferView.buffer];
inverseBindMatrices = new Float32Array(
inverseBindMatricesBufferView.byteOffset + (inverseBindMatricesAccessor.byteOffset || 0),
inverseBindMatricesAccessor.count 16

Their is 107 inverse matrices. Remember, their is 112 nodes - not all nodes are used for skinning.

The skin has a list of indexes so we know which inverse matrix goes with which joint:


We need to pass the array of matrices to the vertex shader which is used for the skinning (weights/joint indexes).

skin.joints.forEach((skinJointIndexindx) => {
// skin.joints.length == inverseBindMatricesArray.length
console.assertskin.joints.length == inverseBindMatricesArray.length );
console.assertinverseBindMatricesArray.length == jointMatrices.length );
inverseBindMatrix inverseBindMatricesArrayindx ];
// Find the node in our hierarchy using the joint index
let hnode findHierarchyNodehierarchyskinJointIndex );
      if ( !
hnode )
console.warn('**unable to find animation node!!**'skinJointIndex);

// Combine the inverse matrix with the world transform on the node
let jointmat mat4.create();
mat4.muljointmathnode.worldmatinverseBindMatrix );
jointMatricesindx ] = jointmat;

Now if we render the mesh using the node transforms we should get the pose view:

fn vmain(inputVertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
let mvp transforms.projection transforms.view transforms.model;
skinnedMatrix mat4x4<f32> =
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +
input.weights.uniforms.bonesinput.joints.] +

// Transform the vertex position
let skinnedPosition skinnedMatrix vec4(input.position.xyz1.0);

output.position mvp skinnedPosition;

Default pose view using the node transforms (no animation data). Combines the inverse matrix with the node transform and is pas...
Default pose view using the node transforms (no animation data). Combines the inverse matrix with the node transform and is passed to the vertex shader which uses the weights/node indexes. View shows the solid and wireframe view - debug view so the depth buffer isn't enabled.

Animation Data

The animation data is the transform for each node that will replace the default node data. Important we don't combine it with the transform on the node, but replace it.

The animations are stored on their own in the glTF file - so we can loop over the animation data and get the timing information (e.g., maximum duration of the animation).

let maxDuration 0;

parsedData.animations.forEach(animation => {
animation.details.forEach(detail => {
sampler animation.samplers[detail.samplerIndex];

// Get the duration for this specific sampler
const samplerDuration sampler.inputData[sampler.inputData.length 1];

// Check if this duration is the maximum
if (samplerDuration maxDuration) {
maxDuration samplerDuration;


We can have any number of animations and within each animation is a set of
. The sample is like a keyframe - so at that keyframe it can provide one or more position, rotation and scale transforms.

The samples are NOT equally spaced out - and use a time value - so we need to keep track of the prevous time and transform and interpolate between them.

The following provides an example of looping over the animations and calculating the transform for the node for a given time. If we have a currentTime of 2.0 - calculate the transform for that node.

We calculate the previous and current sample indexes and interpolate between them using the currentTime value.

We sample keyframe is linked to a node (using an index) - we store the animation transform on each node as
for translation, scaling and rotation.

Remember, it might only have a translation transform or a rotation - it does not need to have all three;

parsedData.animations.forEach( (animationanimIndex) => {
animation.details.forEach(detail => {

let hnode findHierarchyNodehierarchydetail.index );
          if ( !
hnode )
console.warn('**unable to find animation node!!**'detail);

sampler animation.samplers[detail.samplerIndex];

// Get the duration for this specific sampler
const samplerDuration sampler.inputData[sampler.inputData.length 1];
let samplerTime currentTime;

// Each sampler can have a different end time
samplerTime clamp(samplerTime0.0samplerDuration 0.001);

// Find the current frame and next frame
let currentFrame 0;
        for (
let i 0sampler.inputData.length 1i++) {
            if (
samplerTime sampler.inputData[1]) {
currentFrame i;
nextFrame = (currentFrame 1) % sampler.inputData.length;

// Get time values for current and next frames
const currentTimeValue sampler.inputData[currentFrame];
nextTimeValue sampler.inputData[nextFrame];
deltaTime Math.max(nextTimeValue currentTimeValue1e-6);

let interpolationFactor = (samplerTime currentTimeValue) / deltaTime;
interpolationFactor clamp(interpolationFactor01);

outputLength detail.path === 'rotation' 3;
startOutput sampler.outputData.slice(currentFrame outputLength, (currentFrame 1) * outputLength);
endOutput sampler.outputData.slice(nextFrame outputLength, (nextFrame 1) * outputLength);

interpolatedOutput startOutput.map((starti) => {
end endOutput[i];
            if (
isNaN(end) || isNaN(start)) {
console.warn('Encountered NaN in animation output data.');
start// Fallback to start if NaN encountered
start + (end start) * interpolationFactor;

        if (
detail.path === 'translation') {
let offset interpolatedOutput.slice(03);
let translationMatrix mat4.create();
hnode.animTMat translationMatrix;

        } else if (
detail.path === 'rotation') {
// Interpolate between the rotations and normalize (not SLERP)
let len 1.0 Math.sqrt(
interpolatedOutput[0] * interpolatedOutput[0] +
interpolatedOutput[1] * interpolatedOutput[1] +
interpolatedOutput[2] * interpolatedOutput[2] +
interpolatedOutput[3] * interpolatedOutput[3]
              if (
isNaN(len) || len === 0) {
console.warn('Invalid quaternion length.');
interpolatedOutput[0] *= len;
interpolatedOutput[1] *= len;
interpolatedOutput[2] *= len;
interpolatedOutput[3] *= len;

let rotationMatrix mat4.fromQuat(mat4.create(), interpolatedOutput);
hnode.animRMat rotationMatrix;
// Handle scaling
else if (detail.path === 'scale') {
let scale interpolatedOutput.slice(03); // Expecting scale values for x, y, and z
let scaleMatrix mat4.create();
hnode.animSMat scaleMatrix;
        else {
console.log('error unknown animation:'detail.path );

Now we have the animation transform on each node - we can modify the update hiearchy - instead of using the transform from each node - we use the transform from the animaton.

Draw multiple animation frames on top of one another showing the Bee moving around due to the animation. Flaps its wings and ta...
Draw multiple animation frames on top of one another showing the Bee moving around due to the animation. Flaps its wings and takes off - hovering and then coming down to land.

function updateHierarchyMatrices(nodeparentMatrix) {
let animmat mat4.create();
mat4.copyanimmatnode.localmat );
// If we don't have animation data for this node - use the default - we need
    // to check if we this! Not all nodes are animated
if ( node.animSMat  || node.animTMat || node.animRMat )
let animSMat node.animSMat node.animSMat mat4.create();
let animTMat node.animTMat node.animTMat mat4.create();
let animRMat node.animRMat node.animRMat mat4.create();

animmat mat4.create();
mat4.multiply(animmatanimmatanimTMat);  // Finally translation
mat4.multiply(animmatanimmatanimRMat);  // Then rotation
mat4.multiply(animmatanimmatanimSMat);  // Scale first
// combine both local node matrix and animation matrix
    // VERY IMPORTANT - The animation transform data **replaces** the
    // transform data on the nodes (i.e., local transforms)
    // new set of transforms
let tmp mat4.create();
mat4.copytmpanimmat );

// combine the new local matrix with the parent
mat4.multiply(node.worldmatparentMatrixtmp  );
// Recursively print children - pass the local world to the children of this node
(node.children || []).forEach(child => updateHierarchyMatrices(childnode.worldmat));

Use the currentTime of 5.0 - which moves the Bee position.
Use the currentTime of 5.0 - which moves the Bee position.

Things to Try

• The hierarchy animation has the Bee move around the screen - however, instead of having it fly around arbitarily - control it! Overide the base node position so you move the Bee around the screen programatically! Control it using the mouse cursor or cursor keys. Make it do loops or follow things around.

• Load in a 3d flower - and have the fly hover around the flower (override the position of the base node to control this)

Resources & Links

• View code/working demo (LINK)
• Tutorial (LINK)

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