BENDER: "What an awful dream! 1's and 0's everywhere! [shudder] .... and I thought I saw a 2..."
FRY: "It was only a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as a 2."
Quote from Futurama
Author: bkenwright - Building a Mini OS from Scratch (Soon.) |
Tut-1- Interrupts are our friends
Tut-2- Loading our program from a floppy!
Tut-3- Protected Mode?
Tut-4- Mini OS
Tut-5- Soon....
Author: bkenwright - Understanding Protected Mode (Its not 'Real') |
When the latest INTEL CPU's where created, it was important to
always make them backward compatable. I mean your new CPU will do
everything your old one will plus more! So the new CPU's would still start
in Real mode, and still do 8 and 16 bit operations even though that would be a
waste. But they also offered Protected Mode! Pure 32 CPU and added
instructions, faster operations etc. How you go about harnising and most
of all understanding this crazy thing, is what we are going to do here!
Author: Iczelion. |
Author: bkenwright -Inline Assembly |
Misc External Docs
Reading/Writing Harddisk
directly with pure asm