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so much power in such a few lines of code..


Exploring Javascript Arrays: The Good, The Bad and the Undefined

Arrays are very important! They make managing our data effortless.
Arrays are very important! They make managing our data effortless.

Probably the simplest and easiest way to create an array in Javascript is using literal:

const arr = [0,1,9];

Of course, it's the easiest, but not the only way - it's also not the best way in all cases (e.g., when creating very large arrays).

Key points to think about when creating arrays:
• Arrays with holes (i.e., undefined values)
• References in the array (objects link to the same item)
• Order of the array (sequential)
• Size of the array (very large or small)

While holes in arrays (undefined elements) might does not cause problems for the developer, it does cause problems for the underlying web-browser performance. A dense or packed array can be stored in contiguously memory, otherwise, if even one hole exists, a dictionary or a complex structure is needed to manage the array (like a linked list); causing performance slowdowns.

Creating Arrays

Array constructor

Create an array by passing the length:

const LEN 3;
arr = new Array(LEN);

Some points to think about when using this approach:
• The array is full of undefined values
• You'd have to do a second pass to fill the array (e.g., initialize it with all zeros, such as .fill())

The .fill() method changes an existing Array and fills it with a specified value. That helps with initializing an Array after creating it via new Array():

const LEN 3;
arr = new Array(LEN).fill(0);
assert.deepEqual(arr, [000]);

References and Values

If you .fill() an Array with an Object - all the elements refer to teh same instance (it's NOT cloned).

const LEN 3;
obj = {};

arr = new Array(LEN).fill(obj);
assert.deepEqual(arr, [{}, {}, {}]);

obj.prop true;
  [ {
prop:true}, {prop:true}, {prop:true} ]);

There is also the method of filling an array using Array.from() which has advantages over Array.fill().

.push() method

const LEN 3;
arr = [];
for (
let i=0LENi++) {
assert.deepEqual(arr, [000]);

The array was created and fillsed using push(). After array is created it's filled (no undefined or additional passes needed to initialize or fill).

Filling Arrays with undefined

converts iterables and Array-like values to Arrays. It treats holes as if they were undefined elements. You use that to convert each hole to an undefined:

> Array.from({length3})
undefinedundefinedundefined ]

The parameter
{length: 3}
is an Array-like object with
3 that contains only holes. It is also possible to instead use
new Array(3)
, but that usually creates larger objects.

Spreading into Arrays only works for iterable values and has a similar effect to

> [...new Array(3)]
undefinedundefinedundefined ]

creates its result via
new Array()
, so you still end up with a sparse Array.

Mapping with Array.from()

You can use Array.from() to map, if you provide a mapping function as its second parameter.

Example of filling an Array with values using

> Array.from({length3}, () => 0)

Example of creating an Array with unique (unshared) objects:

> Array.from({length3}, () => ({}))
[ {}, {}, {} ]

Example of creating an Array with ascending integers:

> Array.from({length3}, (xi) => i)

Example of creating an arbitrary range of integers:

> const START=2END=5;
> Array.
from({lengthEND-START}, (xi) => i+START)

Another way of creating an Array with ascending integers is via
, which also treats holes as if they were undefined elements:

> [...new Array(3).keys()]
keys() returns an iterableWe use spreading to convert it to an Array.

Less Theory More Practice - Real-Worl Array (Hacking) Creating

What is the quickest and most concise way to create an array of a specific size (that is initialized)?

Create an array ,using
new Array
- but it's filled with holes:
new Array(3)

Same again, we can create an array using
but it's still filled with holes:

We can even use the triple dot syntax to create an array, but we end up with holes:
[...new Array(2)]

Established three ways of creating arrays, but we want to tweak these approaches so the created arrays are densly packed (with no undefines).

Push the data into an empty array as needed using
const a=[]; for (let i=0i<3i++) a.push(0);

The trusty

new Array(3).fill(0)

Then we have the
Array.from({length3}, () => ({}))
[{}, {}, {}] (
unique objects)

Going beyond just 0s, but integer values (index or arbitary values):

Array.from({length3}, (xi) => i)

Take advantage of the modulus - we also add a scaling so the number is greater than the modulus triggering the number to roll-around:
Array.from( {length12}, (xi) => (i*100%22) )

Need little trick to use the
. When the array is created, it's a dictionary until the array has been filled in:

[...new Array(3).keys()]

Readability vs Performance

If you're working with Javascript, I don't you'll be cycle counting and trying to sqeeze performance! A rule of thumb, focus on readability and good coding practices - then if you do find something suspicous is causing problems (stuttering, stablity or slowdowns) - you can do some profiling and analysis later on.

Web-browsers are very powerful these days - and the underlying system does a lot of optimzations - you can write dirtly slow code and it'll still perform lighting fast.

We're at the point were vanilla applications run as fast as web-based ones.

Larger web-based applications with high-def graphics, simulations, LLM, etc - might use hundreds of megs/gigs of memory/data!

Food for Thought

Do you need to create an empty Array that you'll fill later on? (doesn't matter if it has undefined elements)
new Array(LEN)

Do you need to create an Array initialized with some default constant (e.g., 0 or 9)?
new Array(LEN).fill(0)

Do you need to create an Array initialized with objects?
Array.from({length: LEN}, () => ({}))

Do you need to create an array with random integer values?
Array.from( {length: LEN}, (x, i) => (i*LEN*5%LEN) )

If you are dealing with Arrays of integers or floats, consider Typed Arrays. They can't have holes and are always initialized with zeros.

Typed Arrays (That's Another Story)

Just to end typed arrays - here is a list (so you can see what's available). Typically, you'd use typed arrays if you're working with hardware, like WebGPU or WebGL and are creating vertex and index buffers for the data.

Of course, it's very easy to convert from a normal array to a typed array.

let b Float32Array.from(  new Array(3).fill(0) );

Data Type Range Size
Int8Array -128 to 127 1 byte
Uint8Array 0 to 255 1 octet
Uint8ClampedArray 0 to 255 1 octet
Int16Array -32768 to 32767 2 short
Uint16Array 0 to 65535 2 unsigned short
Int32Array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 long
Uint32Array 0 to 4294967295 4 unsigned long
Float32Array -3.4e38 to 3.4e38 4 unrestricted float
Float64Array -1.8e308 to 1.8e308 8 unrestricted double
BigInt64Array -2^63 to 2^63 - 1 8 bigint
BigUint64Array 0 to 2^64 - 1 8 bigint

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