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Flying Through Clouds (Like Flight of the Navigator)

This reminds me of the movie 'flight of the navigator'! An all time classic in my opinion - when the boy flies the space ship through the clouds? Do you remember?

Flight of the navigator movie - from the late 80s, when a boy fly
Flight of the navigator movie - from the late 80s, when a boy fly's through the clouds in an alien space ship! A classic!

Of course, for those, who haven't seen it or haven't even heard of it (might be before your time) - well it's in lots of other movies - it's also a common thing to see if you fly a lot?

You can use the common concept of volumetric noise (smooth 3d noise) and mix it with a bit of fractals (fractal brownian noise).

The full code is given below and runs on the fragment shader - you can see the working implementation at the bottom in the links (run it in a browser).

Flying through clouds gif screenshot recording of the output for the shader.
Flying through clouds gif screenshot recording of the output for the shader.

@group(0) @binding(2) var <uniformmytimer f32;

sundirvec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(-0.70710.0, -0.7071);

random(stvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
fract(sin(dot(stvec2<f32>(1.98980.233))) * 8.5453123);

randomsmooth(stvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let i floor(st 3.0);
let f fract(st 3.0);

let a random(i);
let b random(vec2<f32>(1.00.0));
let c random(vec2<f32>(0.01.0));
let d random(vec2<f32>(1.01.0));

let f2 * (3.0 2.0 f);

let x1 mix(abf2.x);
let x2 mix(cdf2.x);

setCamera(rovec3<f32>, tavec3<f32>, crf32) -> mat3x3<f32> {
let cw normalize(ta ro);
let cp vec3<f32>(sin(cr), cos(cr), 0.0);
let cu normalize(cross(cwcp));
let cv normalize(cross(cucw));

// smooth noise in 3d
fn noise(xvec3<f32>, tt:vec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let p floor(x);
let f fract(x);
let f2 * (3.0 2.0 f);

let uv = (p.xy p.) + f.xy;
// modify smooth noise 2d to work with 3d
return randomsmooth(  uv 2.0   ) * 0.5;

// fractal brownian noise - make the noise more fractal and look like a cloud
fn fbn(pvec3<f32>, timef32uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
vec3<f32>( * time;
0.50000 *  noise(quv); 4.02;
+= 0.25000 noise(quv); 4.03;
+= 0.12500 noise(quv); 4.01;
+= 0.06250 noise(quv); 4.02;
+= 0.03125 noise(quv)*4.0;
clamp(1.5 p.2.0 1.75 f0.01.0);

// Implementations for map4, map3, and map2 are similar with adjusted noise calculations.
fn raymarch(rovec3<f32>, rdvec3<f32>, bgcolvec3<f32>, timef32uv:vec2<f32> ) -> vec4<f32> {
sum vec4<f32>(0.0);
0.0;//0.5 * randomsmooth( ro.xy);

for (var 0120i++) {
let pos ro rd;
        if (
pos.< -3.0 || pos.2.0 || sum.0.99) {
let den fbn(postimeuv); // Fractal brownian noise
if (den 0.01 
let dif clamp((den fbn(pos 0.3 sundirtimeuv)) /;
let lin vec3<f32>( * dif vec3<f32>(0.910.981.05);
col vec4<f32>(mix(vec3<f32>(1.00.950.8), vec3<f32>(, den), den);
col vec4(col.xyz*lincol.w);
col vec4mix(col.xyzbgcol1.0 exp(-0.003 t)), col.);
col vec4col.xyzcol.w*0.4 );
col vec4col.rgb*col.acol.);
sum += col * (1.0 sum.a);
+= 0.02;
// t += max(0.06, 0.05 * t)*0.5;

clamp(sumvec4<f32>(0.0), vec4<f32>(1.0));

render(rovec3<f32>, rdvec3<f32>, timef32uv:vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
let sun clamp(dot(sundirrd), 0.01.0);
col vec3<f32>(0.60.710.75) - rd.0.2 vec3<f32>( + 0.15 0.5;
col += 0.2 vec3<f32>( * pow(sun8.0);

let res raymarch(rordcoltimeuv);
col col * (1.0 res.w) + res.xyz;

col += vec3<f32>( * pow(sun3.0);

fn main(@location(0uvsvec2<f32>) -> @location(0vec4<f32> {
let resolution vec2<f32>( 512512 );
let mouse vec2<f32>(0.0);
let fragCoord uvs resolution;
let p = (2.0 fragCoord resolution.xy) / resolution.y;
let m mouse.xy resolution.xy;

let ro 4.0 normalize(vec3<f32>(sin(3.0 m.x), 0.8 m.ycos(3.0 m.x))) - vec3<f32>(;
let ta vec3<f32>(0.0, -1.00.0);
let ca setCamera(rota0.07 cos(0.25 mytimer));

let rd ca normalize(vec3<f32>(p1.5));


The main points of the implementation is the noise - smooth 3d point (from a 3d point you can calculate noise value). You then use a simple ray marching algorithm.

As you're flying above the clouds you want to bias the noise so the bottom is denser - top has no clouds (or very few) - so it still looks like you're flying through the clouds (not stuck inside one).

Resources & Links

• WebGPU Implementation LINK

WebGPU Development Pixels - coding fragment shaders from post processing to ray tracing! WebGPU by Example: Fractals, Image Effects, Ray-Tracing, Procedural Geometry, 2D/3D, Particles, Simulations WebGPU Games WGSL 2d 3d interactive web-based fun learning WebGPU Compute WebGPU API - Owners WebGPU Development Cookbook - coding recipes for all your webgpu needs! WebGPU & WGSL Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Interactive Graphics, Games, 2D Interfaces, 3D Meshes, Animation, Security and Production Kenwright graphics and animations using the webgpu api 12 week course kenwright learn webgpu api kenwright programming compute and graphics applications with html5 and webgpu api kenwright real-time 3d graphics with webgpu kenwright webgpu for dummies kenwright webgpu api develompent a quick start guide kenwright webgpu by example 2022 kenwright webgpu gems kenwright webgpu interactive compute and graphics visualization cookbook kenwright wgsl webgpu shading language cookbook kenwright WebGPU Shader Language Development: Vertex, Fragment, Compute Shaders for Programmers Kenwright wgsl webgpugems shading language cookbook kenwright WGSL Fundamentals book kenwright WebGPU Data Visualization Cookbook kenwright Special Effects Programming with WebGPU kenwright WebGPU Programming Guide: Interactive Graphics and Compute Programming with WebGPU & WGSL kenwright Ray-Tracing with WebGPU kenwright

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