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Noise Functions

Wow! Are their really this many types of noise function? YES! In fact, their are more! These are the 50 popular ones that you might come across in the literature and on your travels - however, in reality - noise functions is like nature - it has no limits to its creativity and diversity.

Below you'll find a complete list of noise functions - include an implementation example in WGSL (WebGPU Shader Language) - so you can give each one a try if you want.

A cool thing about noise functions is - they can be combined and connected together in all sorts of ways to create mutants and variations! You can also tinker with the constants, or add in a few extra parameters/functions to make the noise suddenly change and become a new type of noise.

The example functions have been provided for 2d noise samples - using a 2d seed - so they can be used for generating texture patterns! Just because I think it's nice to see what the noise looks like.

The following shows the noise functions using the base noise function
as the input when it depends on a noise input.

A plot of all the different noise functions on a single image.
A plot of all the different noise functions on a single image.

Modify the noise functions - so their base noise input is a smoothed noise function. This creates the following outputs:

Output for the various noise functions with a smoothed noise input.
Output for the various noise functions with a smoothed noise input.

1. Simple Random Noise

Generates pseudorandom values based on the input coordinates.
fn random(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);

2. Gradient Noise

Interpolates gradients based on input coordinates for a smooth result.
fn gradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>, gradientvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let coord fract(uv);

3. Checkerboard Noise

Creates a repeating checkerboard pattern.
fn checkerboardNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let check floor(uv.x) + floor(uv.y);
fract(sin(check) * 43758.5453);

4. Hexagonal Grid Noise

Generates hexagonally tiled random values.
fn hexagonalNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
// Constants to define hexagonal grid
let k vec2<f32>( sqrt(3.0), 1.0);
// Transform UV coordinates to hexagonal grid space
let uv_hex vec2<f32>(

// Calculate hexagonal cell coordinates
let cell floor(uv_hex);
let f fract(uv_hex);
// Calculate noise values for the corners of the hexagon
let corners = array<vec2<f32>, 6>(
vec2<f32>(-0.5, -0.866)

noise_valuef32 0.0;
min_distancef32 1e10;

    for (var 
iu32 0u6u1u) {
let corner cell corners[i];
let dist distance(uv_hexcorner);
        if (
dist min_distance) {
min_distance dist;
noise_value fract(sin(dot(cornervec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);


5. Marble Noise

Combines sine waves to create vein-like marble textures.
fn marbleNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let wave sin(uv.10.0 random(uv) * 5.0);
abs(wave) * 0.5 0.5;

6. Ridged Noise

Creates sharp, ridge-like features by inverting noise values.
fn ridgedNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let n random(uv);
1.0 abs(2.0 1.0);

7. Voronoi Noise

Produces cellular structures with closest-point Voronoi effects.
fn voronoiNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
closestDist 1.0;
secondClosestDist 1.0;
    for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point floor(uv) + neighbor fract(sin(dot(uv neighborvec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);
let dist length(uv point);
            if (
dist closestDist) {
secondClosestDist closestDist;
closestDist dist;
            } else if (
dist secondClosestDist) {
secondClosestDist dist;
secondClosestDist closestDist;

8. Sinusoidal Noise

Combines sine functions for wave-like patterns.
fn sinusoidalNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(uv.uv.random(uv) * 3.14159);

9. Simplex Noise Approximation

A simplified version of simplex noise for smooth textures.
fn simplexNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let s = (uv.uv.y) * 0.5;
let skewed vec2<f32>(floor(uv.s), floor(uv.s));
let t = (skewed.skewed.y) * 0.36602540378;
let unskewed uv skewed t;

10. Value Noise

Generates noise by interpolating random values across a grid.
fn valueNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let i floor(uv);
let f fract(uv);
mix(mix(random(i), random(vec2<f32>(1.00.0)), f.x),
mix(random(vec2<f32>(0.01.0)), random(vec2<f32>(1.01.0)), f.x), f.y);

11. Fractal Brownian Motion (FBM)

Combines multiple layers of noise at varying frequencies and amplitudes for rich textures.
fn fbm(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
amplitude 0.5;
frequency 1.0;
    for (var 
ii32 051) {
value += amplitude random(uv frequency);
frequency *= 2.0;
amplitude *= 0.5;

12. Turbulence

Uses the absolute value of FBM to generate textures resembling turbulent flows. While FBM noise combines multiple layers of noise (often with fractional brownian motion) to generate smooth, continuous patterns with both positive and negative values; however, turbulence noise uses absolute values of noise to create chaotic patterns, typically with no smoothing and non-negative values.
fn turbulence(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
valuef32 0.0;
frequencyf32 1.0;
amplitudef32 1.0;

    for (var 
ii32 051) {
value += abs(random(uv frequency)) * amplitude;
frequency *= 2.0;
amplitude *= 0.5;


13. Worley Noise

Generates a cellular effect based on the distance to the nearest feature point.
fn worleyNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
minDistf32 1e9;
// Generate feature points and calculate distance
for (var ii32 = -1<= 11) {
        for (var 
ji32 = -1<= 11) {
featurePoint floor(uv) + vec2<f32>(f32(i), f32(j)) + fract(sin(vec2<f32>(dot(floor(uv) + vec2<f32>(f32(i), f32(j)), vec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453));
distf32 length(uv featurePoint);
            if (
dist minDist) {
minDist dist;

14. Flow Noise

Adds directional movement to the noise.
fn flowNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
random(uv vec2<f32>(sin(time), cos(time)));

15. Gradient Squared Noise

Generates smoother results by squaring gradients.
fn gradientSquaredNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let gradient fract(uv) - 0.5;

16. Cellular Noise

Generates repeating cellular patterns using feature points.
fn cellularNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
minDist 1.0;
    for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point fract(sin(dot(uv neighborvec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);
let dist length(uv point);
minDist min(minDistdist);

17. Offset Noise

Adds an offset to noise for variation.
fn offsetNoise(uvvec2<f32>, offsetvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
random(uv offset);

18. Spiral Noise

Generates a spiraling pattern of noise.
fn spiralNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
sin(angle 10.0 length(uv) * 5.0);

19. Radial Noise

Uses radial coordinates for concentric patterns.
fn radialNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let r length(uv);
sin(10.0 random(uv));

20. Stripe Noise

Produces alternating stripes.
fn stripeNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

21. Perlin Noise

Classic gradient noise designed for smooth textures, ideal for natural effects.
fn fade(tf32) -> f32 {
* (* (6.0 15.0) + 10.0);

perlinNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let i floor(uv);
let f fract(uv);
let fade_f vec2<f32>(fade(f.x), fade(f.y));
mix(random(i), random(vec2<f32>(1.00.0)), fade_f.x),
mix(random(vec2<f32>(0.01.0)), random(vec2<f32>(1.01.0)), fade_f.x),

22. Ring Noise

Creates concentric ring patterns with subtle randomness.
fn ringNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let r length(uv);
fract(sin(10.0) * 43758.5453);

23. Layered Noise

Combines multiple noise layers with increasing frequency for complexity.
fn layeredNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
    for (var 
ii32 031) {
value += random(uv f32(1)) / f32(1);

24. Stripe Gradient Noise

Smooth gradient stripes modulated by noise.
fn stripeGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
abs(sin(uv.10.0 random(uv) * 3.14159));

25. Circular Wave Noise

Combines sine waves in a circular pattern.
fn circularWaveNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
let radius length(uv);
sin(angle 5.0 radius 10.0);

26. Seamless Noise

Ensures the noise pattern repeats seamlessly across tiles.
fn seamlessNoise(uvvec2<f32>, repeatvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let tiledUV fract(uv repeat) * repeat;

27. Randomized Grid Noise

Generates a grid pattern with randomized cells.
fn randomizedGridNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let cell floor(uv);

28. Zigzag Noise

Creates zigzag patterns based on alternating gradients.
fn zigzagNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
abs(sin(uv.5.0) * cos(uv.5.0));

29. Waveform Noise

Produces waveforms modulated by random values.
fn waveformNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(uv.10.0 random(uv) * 3.14159);

30. Fractal Cellular Noise

Combines cellular noise at multiple scales for complex patterns.
fn fractalCellularNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
scale 1.0;
    for (var 
ii32 041) {
value += cellularNoise(uv scale) / scale;
scale *= 2.0;

31. Noise Warping

Applies noise to distort UV coordinates.
fn warpedNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let warpedUV uv vec2<f32>(random(uv), random(uv vec2<f32>(1.0)));

32. Spiral Gradient Noise

Generates a spiral pattern with smooth gradients.
fn spiralGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
sin(angle 10.0 length(uv) * 5.0);

33. Distance Field Noise

Creates patterns based on distances to a central point.
fn distanceFieldNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let center vec2<f32>(0.50.5);
length(uv center) + random(uv);

34. Starburst Noise

Produces a starburst effect with radial lines emanating from the center.
fn starburstNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.0.5uv.0.5);
abs(sin(angle 10.0 length(uv vec2<f32>(0.50.5)) * 5.0));

35. Offset Stripe Noise

Generates offset stripes modulated by random values.
fn offsetStripeNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
step(0.5fract(uv.10.0 random(uv) * 5.0));

36. Noise Gradient Mapping

Maps noise values onto a gradient.
fn noiseGradientMapping(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let n random(uv);

37. Ripple Noise

Creates concentric ripples using sine waves.
fn rippleNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let dist length(uv vec2<f32>(0.50.5));
sin(dist 20.0 random(uv));

38. Polygonal Grid Noise

Produces repeating polygons like triangles or hexagons.
fn polygonalGridNoise(uvvec2<f32>, sidesf32) -> f32 {
// Scale UV to ensure uniform size of polygons
let scaledUV uv sides;

// Compute the angle and map it into polygonal segments
let angle atan2(scaledUV.yscaledUV.x) + 3.14159;
let segment floor(angle / (6.28318 sides));

// Compute randomness based on segment and grid position
return fract(segment random(floor(scaledUV)));

39. Angular Gradient Noise

Uses the angle of UV coordinates to create gradients.
fn angularGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
abs(sin(angle 5.0 random(uv)));

40. Noisy Voronoi

Adds noise to Voronoi patterns for irregular cells.
fn noisyVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
minDist 1.0;
    for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point floor(uv) + neighbor random(uv neighbor);
let dist length(uv point);
minDist min(minDistdist);

41. Fisheye Noise

Applies a fisheye lens effect to noise.
fn fisheyeNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let center vec2<f32>(0.50.5);
let dist length(uv center);
let warpedUV uv dist * (uv center);

42. Texture Distortion Noise

Distorts texture coordinates with noise.
fn textureDistortionNoise(uvvec2<f32>, strengthf32) -> f32 {
let offset vec2<f32>(random(uv), random(uv vec2<f32>(1.0))) * strength;
random(uv offset);

43. Crosshatch Noise

Creates crosshatch patterns with noise variations.
fn crosshatchNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
step(0.5fract(uv.10.0)) * step(0.5fract(uv.10.0));

44. Perlin Warp Noise

Warps Perlin noise using additional noise layers.
fn perlinWarpNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let warpedUV uv vec2<f32>(random(uv), random(uv vec2<f32>(1.0)));

45. Spiral Voronoi Noise

Combines Voronoi noise with a spiral pattern.
fn spiralVoronoiNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let voronoi voronoiNoise(uv);
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
voronoi sin(angle 10.0);

46. Anisotropic Noise

Generates directional noise with anisotropic distortion.
fn anisotropicNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let stretchedUV vec2<f32>(uv.2.0uv.0.5);

47. Plasma Noise

Creates plasma-like patterns with layered sine functions.
fn plasmaNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(uv.10.0) + sin(uv.10.0) + sin((uv.uv.y) * 5.0);

48. Noise Blending

Blends multiple noise functions together.
fn blendedNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
    return (
random(uv) + valueNoise(uv) + perlinNoise(uv)) / 3.0;

49. Interference Noise

Simulates interference patterns using overlapping sine waves.
fn interferenceNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(uv.10.0) * sin(uv.10.0);

50. Dynamic Noise

Generates time-dependent noise for animations.
fn dynamicNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
random(uv vec2<f32>(sin(time), cos(time)));

Resources & Links

• WebGPU Lab Demo - Code/Online Steps Through All Noise Samples LINK

• Generate Output with ALL The Noise Examples LINK

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