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Procedural Textures

Generating textures using various algorithms - from wood and stone through to lava, dirt and fabrics.

Natural Materials
1. Wood Grain: Mimics the rings of a tree using sinusoidal and noise-based modulation.
2. Marble: Simulates marble veining with sine functions combined with turbulence.
3. Stone/Granite: Produces rugged surfaces using fractal noise with fine jitter.
4. Sand/Dirt: Grainy patterns with FBM (Fractal Brownian Motion) noise.
5. Water/Waves: Undulating wave patterns using layered sinusoids.
6. Fire/Flames: Animated turbulence with a fiery color gradient.
7. Clouds: Soft, billowy patterns from smooth FBM noise.

Geometric Patterns
8. Checkerboard: Alternating squares of contrasting colors.
9. Stripes: Horizontal or vertical repeating bands.
10. Polka Dots: Repeated circular patterns with uniform or random distribution.
11. Hexagonal Grid: Honeycomb-like tessellation.
12. Triangle Grid: Tessellated triangular arrangements.
13. Wave Patterns: Sinusoidal waves, optionally layered for complexity.
14. Concentric Circles: Expanding rings emanating from a center.
15. Radial Gradient: Smooth transitions radiating outward from a point.
16. Spiral: Coiled patterns created with polar coordinates.

Organic/Abstract Patterns
17. Veins/Cracks: Geological fault patterns using Voronoi noise.
18. Bubbles: Randomized circular shapes resembling foam.
19. Plasma: Swirling, colorful, and dynamic noise patterns.
20. Interference: Moiré effects from overlapping sine waves.
21. Growth Rings: Concentric patterns mimicking organic growth.
22. Lava: Animated molten rock textures with turbulent distortion.

Synthetic Textures
23. Metallic Brushed: Anisotropic noise for brushed metal effects.
24. Circuit Board: Geometric, grid-like patterns with fine detail.
25. Carbon Fiber: Woven, tight checkerboard patterns.
26. Brick Wall: Offset rectangular patterns for walls.
27. Fabric/Weave: Intersecting sine waves mimicking textile patterns.

Procedural Variations
28. Fractal Terrain: Mountain-like patterns with height maps.
29. Gaseous Nebula: Colorful, swirling patterns resembling space phenomena.
30. Stained Glass: Randomized Voronoi cells with bright colors.
31. Lightning: Jagged, branching patterns from fractal techniques.
32. Pebble Path: Coherent scatter of rounded shapes.
33. Grass: Thin, randomized lines simulating blades of grass.
34. Snowflakes: Geometric, fractal-like patterns for snow crystals.
35. Wood Bark: Ridged, layered noise for bark textures.

Mathematical Patterns
36. Mandelbrot Set: Complex fractal patterns with infinite detail.
37. Julia Set: Parameterized fractals similar to Mandelbrot.
38. Moire Patterns: Overlapping grids creating interference effects.
39. Sinusoidal Grids: Ripple-like patterns from intersecting sine waves.
40. Tiled Fractals: Fractal shapes repeated within a tile grid.

Animated/Temporal Patterns
41. Flow Fields: Simulates fluid-like directional motion.
42. Ripples: Expanding wave rings resembling raindrop ripples.
43. Pulsing Rings: Oscillating concentric circles.
44. Fading Stripes: Time-based transitions between stripe patterns.
45. Morphing Grid: Dynamically distorting grid patterns.

Color-Based Patterns
46. Rainbow Gradient: Smooth transitions across the color spectrum.
47. Heatmap: Gradient patterns similar to thermal imaging.
48. Fluorescent Glow: Radial gradients with a glowing effect.
49. Iridescence: Thin-film interference patterns.
50. Grayscale Noise: Monochrome noise for masking or blending.

For fun, lets put all the textures on a single image!
For fun, lets put all the textures on a single image!

Example Implementations

Obviously their is dozens of different ways to implement the texture algorithms - but to get you started and give you an idea the following gives you a simple example.

1. Wood Grain

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, grainIntensity=5.0
fn woodTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0grainIntensityf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let rings scale uv.grainIntensity sin(scale uv.y);
let grain abs(sin(rings));
vec3<f32>(graingrain 0.5grain 0.2);

2. Marble

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, turbulence=2.0
fn marbleTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0turbulencef32 2.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let veins sin(uv.scale turbulence sin(uv.scale));
let marble 0.5 0.5 veins;
vec3<f32>(marblemarblemarble 0.8);

3. Stone/Granite

// Default parameters: scale=8.0, roughness=0.5
fn stoneTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 8.0roughnessf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let texture mix(1.0noiseroughness);
vec3<f32>(texture 0.7texture 0.6texture 0.4);

4. Sand/Dirt

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, noiseFactor=0.5
fn sandTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0noiseFactorf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let dirt mix(0.70.9noise noiseFactor);
vec3<f32>(dirtdirt 0.8dirt 0.5);

5. Water/Waves

// Default parameters: scale=1.0, frequency=5.0
fn waterRippleTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 1.0frequencyf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let ripple sin(uv.frequency uv.frequency);
vec3<f32>(0.00.5 0.5 ripple1.0);

6. Fire/Flames

// Default parameters: scale=2.0, turbulence=3.0
fn fireTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 2.0turbulencef32 3.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let flame abs(sin(uv.scale turbulence sin(uv.scale)));
vec3<f32>(flameflame 0.50.0);

7. Clouds

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, softness=0.6
fn cloudTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0softnessf32 0.6) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let clouds smoothstep(softness1.0noise);
vec3<f32>(clouds 0.8clouds 0.8clouds 0.9);

Geometric Patterns

8. Checkerboard

// Default parameters: scale=5.0
fn checkerboardTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let checker mod(floor(uv scale), 2.0);

9. Stripes

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, direction=1.0
fn stripeTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0directionf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let stripe mod(floor(uv.scale direction), 2.0);

10. Polka Dots

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, radius=0.2
fn polkaDotTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0radiusf32 0.2) -> vec3<f32> {
let center fract(uv scale);
let dist length(center 0.5);
vec3<f32>(step(distradius), 0.00.0);

11. Hexagonal Grid

// Default parameters: scale=10.0
fn hexagonalGrid(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let hex mod(floor(uv scale), 2.0);

12. Triangle Grid

// Default parameters: scale=10.0
fn triangleGrid(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let tri mod(floor(uv scale), 2.0);

13. Wave Patterns

// Default parameters: frequency=5.0
fn wavePattern(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let wave sin(uv.frequency) + sin(uv.frequency);
vec3<f32>(wave 0.5;

14. Concentric Circles

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, center=0.5
fn concentricCircles(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0centerf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv vec2<f32>(centercenter)) * scale;
let rings sin(dist);
vec3<f32>(rings 0.5 0.5rings 0.3rings 0.1);

15. Radial Gradient

// Default parameters: scale=5.0
fn radialGradient(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5) * scale;
vec3<f32>(distdist 0.5dist 0.2);

16. Spiral

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, turnCount=5.0
fn spiralTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0turnCountf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let angle atan2(uv.0.5uv.0.5);
let radius length(uv 0.5) * scale;
let spiral sin(angle turnCount radius);
vec3<f32>(spiral 0.5 0.5spiral 0.4spiral 0.3);

Organic/Abstract Patterns

17. Veins/Cracks

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, roughness=1.0
fn veinsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0roughnessf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let veins fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
vec3<f32>(veins roughnessveins roughness 0.60.0);

18. Bubbles

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, size=0.1
fn bubblesTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0sizef32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(fract(uv scale) - 0.5);
vec3<f32>(step(distsize), 0.51.0);

19. Plasma

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, turbulence=0.5
fn plasmaTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0turbulencef32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise sin(uv.scale turbulence cos(uv.scale));
vec3<f32>(noise 0.5 0.5noise 0.3 0.5noise 0.2 0.5);

20. Interference

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, amplitude=0.5
fn interferenceTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0amplitudef32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let interference sin(uv.scale uv.scale) * amplitude;
vec3<f32>(interferenceinterference 0.5interference 0.3);

21. Growth Rings

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, rings=10.0
fn growthRingsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0ringsf32 10.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5) * scale;
let ring sin(dist rings);
vec3<f32>(ring 0.8 0.2ring 0.6 0.4ring 0.4 0.2);

22. Lava

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, intensity=1.5
fn lavaTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0intensityf32 1.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let lava noise intensity;
vec3<f32>(lava 1.0lava 0.5lava 0.0);

Synthetic Textures

23. Metallic Brushed

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, roughness=0.3
fn metallicBrushedTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0roughnessf32 0.3) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let metallic mix(0.51.0noise roughness);
vec3<f32>(metallicmetallic 0.7metallic 0.4);

24. Circuit Board

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, lineThickness=0.02
fn circuitBoardTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0lineThicknessf32 0.02) -> vec3<f32> {
let grid fract(uv scale);
let lines step(lineThicknessgrid);

25. Carbon Fiber

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, weaveSize=0.1
fn carbonFiberTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0weaveSizef32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(fract(uv scale) - 0.5);
vec3<f32>(step(distweaveSize), step(distweaveSize) * 0.7step(distweaveSize) * 0.5);

26. Brick Wall

// Default parameters: scale=1.0, brickHeight=0.2
fn brickWallTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 1.0brickHeightf32 0.2) -> vec3<f32> {
let brick mod(floor(uv.scale), 2.0);
let height mod(floor(uv.brickHeight), 2.0);
vec3<f32>(brickbrick 0.3height 0.3);

27. Fabric/Weave

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, weaveSize=0.1
fn fabricWeaveTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0weaveSizef32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(fract(uv scale) - 0.5);
vec3<f32>(step(distweaveSize), step(distweaveSize) * 0.7step(distweaveSize) * 0.5);

Procedural Variations

28. Fractal Terrain

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, roughness=0.6
fn fractalTerrainTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0roughnessf32 0.6) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
vec3<f32>(noise roughnessnoise 0.7noise 0.3);

29. Gaseous Nebula

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, intensity=0.5
fn gaseousNebulaTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0intensityf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
vec3<f32>(noise intensitynoise 0.8noise 0.6);

30. Stained Glass

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, colorVariance=0.2
fn stainedGlassTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0colorVariancef32 0.2) -> vec3<f32> {
let cell fract(uv scale);
vec3<f32>(cell.colorVariancecell.colorVariance, (cell.cell.y) * 0.3);

31. Lightning

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, jaggedness=1.0
fn lightningTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0jaggednessf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let lightning abs(noise 0.5) * jaggedness;
vec3<f32>(lightninglightning 0.8lightning 0.4);

32. Pebble Path

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, pebbleSize=0.1
fn pebblePathTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0pebbleSizef32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(fract(uv scale) - 0.5);
vec3<f32>(step(distpebbleSize), 0.60.3);

33. Grass

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, bladeHeight=0.5
fn grassTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0bladeHeightf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let blade step(0.2fract(uv.scale)) * bladeHeight;
vec3<f32>(0.2blade 0.80.2);

34. Snowflakes

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, fractalDetail=2.0
fn snowflakeTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0fractalDetailf32 2.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let snowflake smoothstep(fractalDetail1.0noise);
vec3<f32>(snowflake 0.9snowflake 0.9snowflake 1.0);

35. Wood Bark

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, ridges=5.0
fn woodBarkTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0ridgesf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let bark sin(uv.scale uv.ridges);
vec3<f32>(bark 0.6 0.4bark 0.5 0.3bark 0.3 0.2);

36. Mandelbrot Set

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, iterations=50
fn mandelbrotSet(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0iterationsf32 50.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let c uv scale 1.0;
countf32 0.0;
    for (var 
0uiterations1u) {
vec2<f32>(z.z.z.z.y2.0 z.z.y) + c;
        if (
length(z) > 2.0) {
count count 1.0;
vec3<f32>(count iterationscount iterationscount iterations);

37. Julia Set

// Default parameters: scale=1.0, iterations=50
fn juliaSet(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 1.0iterationsf32 50.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let c vec2<f32>(0.3550.355); // Fixed Julia constant
var uv scale;
countf32 0.0;
    for (var 
0uiterations1u) {
vec2<f32>(z.z.z.z.y2.0 z.z.y) + c;
        if (
length(z) > 2.0) {
count count 1.0;
vec3<f32>(count iterationscount iterationscount iterations);

38. Moire Patterns

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, frequency=5.0
fn moirePatternsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0frequencyf32 5.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let grid1 fract(uv scale);
let grid2 fract(uv scale frequency);
let interference abs(grid1 grid2);
vec3<f32>(interferenceinterference 0.5interference 0.2);

39. Sinusoidal Grids

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, frequency=2.0
fn sinusoidalGridsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0frequencyf32 2.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let sinX sin(uv.frequency);
let sinY sin(uv.frequency);
let grid abs(sinX sinY);
vec3<f32>(gridgrid 0.5grid 0.2);

40. Tiled Fractals

// Default parameters: scale=5.0, fractalDetail=2.0
fn tiledFractalsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 5.0fractalDetailf32 2.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
let fractal fract(noise fractalDetail);
vec3<f32>(fractalfractal 0.7fractal 0.5);

41. Flow Fields

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, speed=0.1
fn flowFieldsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0speedf32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let flow sin(uv.scale speed sin(uv.scale));
vec3<f32>(flowflow 0.5flow 0.2);

42. Ripples

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, waveSpeed=0.5
fn ripplesTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0waveSpeedf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5);
let ripples sin(dist scale waveSpeed);
vec3<f32>(ripples 0.5 0.5ripples 0.3 0.5ripples 0.1 0.5);

43. Pulsing Rings

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, pulseSpeed=1.0
fn pulsingRingsTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0pulseSpeedf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5) * scale;
let pulse sin(dist pulseSpeed sin(dist));
vec3<f32>(pulse 0.5 0.5pulse 0.3 0.5pulse 0.2 0.5);

44. Fading Stripes

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, fadeSpeed=1.0
fn fadingStripesTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0fadeSpeedf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let stripes mod(floor(uv.scale), 2.0);
let fade smoothstep(0.0fadeSpeedsin(uv.scale));
vec3<f32>(stripesstripes fadestripes 0.5);

45. Morphing Grid

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, time=0.0
fn morphingGridTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0timef32 0.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let grid fract(uv scale time);
vec3<f32>(gridgrid 0.5grid 0.2);

46. Rainbow Gradient

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, offset=0.0
fn rainbowGradientTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0offsetf32 0.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let rainbow mod(uv.scale offset1.0);
vec3<f32>(rainbow1.0 rainbow0.5);

47. Heatmap

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, intensity=0.8
fn heatmapTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0intensityf32 0.8) -> vec3<f32> {
let heat smoothstep(0.0intensityuv.scale);
vec3<f32>(heat0.51.0 heat);

48. Fluorescent Glow

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, glowIntensity=1.0
fn fluorescentGlowTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0glowIntensityf32 1.0) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5);
let glow smoothstep(0.0glowIntensitydist scale);
vec3<f32>(glowglow 0.5glow 1.0);

49. Iridescence

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, filmThickness=0.1
fn iridescenceTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0filmThicknessf32 0.1) -> vec3<f32> {
let dist length(uv 0.5) * scale;
let iridescence smoothstep(0.0filmThicknessdist);
vec3<f32>(iridescenceiridescence 0.5iridescence 0.7);

50. Grayscale Noise

// Default parameters: scale=10.0, intensity=0.5
fn grayscaleNoiseTexture(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32 10.0intensityf32 0.5) -> vec3<f32> {
let noise fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(scalescale))) * 43758.5453);
vec3<f32>(noise intensitynoise intensitynoise intensity);

Things to Try

These functions are only the the start of procedural textures - but they provide examples of just how easy it is to create textures instead of loading them from a file.

Some things to try:

• Add more texture types
• Play around with the default parameters (maybe add an interface to control them)
• Mix and combine the textures (e.g., wood with dirt)
• Explore 3D textures - instead of just a 2d uv seed - you can use a 3d seed (extra depth value) - which should represent the changes of the texture as you slice away the layers (think of it like a piece of wood - if you cut away layers of the wood - you'll see the wooden grain texture change)
• Try other color mixes

Resources & Links

• All Texture Generation Examples (LINK)

WebGPU Development Pixels - coding fragment shaders from post processing to ray tracing! WebGPU by Example: Fractals, Image Effects, Ray-Tracing, Procedural Geometry, 2D/3D, Particles, Simulations WebGPU Games WGSL 2d 3d interactive web-based fun learning WebGPU Compute WebGPU API - Owners WebGPU Development Cookbook - coding recipes for all your webgpu needs! WebGPU & WGSL Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Interactive Graphics, Games, 2D Interfaces, 3D Meshes, Animation, Security and Production Kenwright graphics and animations using the webgpu api 12 week course kenwright learn webgpu api kenwright programming compute and graphics applications with html5 and webgpu api kenwright real-time 3d graphics with webgpu kenwright webgpu for dummies kenwright webgpu api develompent a quick start guide kenwright webgpu by example 2022 kenwright webgpu gems kenwright webgpu interactive compute and graphics visualization cookbook kenwright wgsl webgpu shading language cookbook kenwright WebGPU Shader Language Development: Vertex, Fragment, Compute Shaders for Programmers Kenwright wgsl webgpugems shading language cookbook kenwright WGSL Fundamentals book kenwright WebGPU Data Visualization Cookbook kenwright Special Effects Programming with WebGPU kenwright WebGPU Programming Guide: Interactive Graphics and Compute Programming with WebGPU & WGSL kenwright Ray-Tracing with WebGPU kenwright

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