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Skinning Michelle Model (Debugging the Glitch)

Tinkering with my custom glTF loader - using the Michelle dance model - basically just a single skinned mesh that is animated using bones/skin mesh. However, I suddenly notice a glitch!

Glitchy dance - the following shows a short snippet of the dance with the problem - if you watch it - you
Glitchy dance - the following shows a short snippet of the dance with the problem - if you watch it - you'll notice that the Michelle model has some secret powers - she can bend her leg in all sorts of ways and twist her body - which isn't correct

The full code with all the bits and pieces is included at the bottom - web based example - using a custom loader/renderer for debugging/analysing glTF files with animations (renderer is a function on the end using WebGPU/WGSL).

I'll skip through all the pain of where in the code and what - it eventually comes down to the slerp function I wrote! I thought it was correct, and I spent ages checking the data, frame corruption, data values, ... painful hours... only to narrow it down to this one place!

Take a look and see if you can see the problem?

let interpolatedOutput startOutput.map((starti) => {
end endOutput[i];
    if (
isNaN(end) || isNaN(start)) {
console.warn('Encountered NaN in animation output data.');
start// Fallback to start if NaN encountered
//return start + (end - start) * interpolationFactor;
      // Determine if the data represents quaternions
if (Array.isArray(start) && start.length === && Array.isArray(end) && end.length === 4) {
    } else {
start + (end start) * interpolationFactor// Linear interpolation for non-quaternion data

are the interpolation values for the various components (scalars, translations and rotations). Rotation works better if you use
instead of just interpolating the values - otherwise you get strange issues for large angle - causes distortion etc.

Anyhow, less about quaterions - the solution is to use a
which I did. But I modified the code to use the
inside the iterator - which goes over each value and interpolates it constructing a new final array.

Fixed interpolation function - so the slerp works! Pass the start and end values directly to the slerp function - outside the iterator for going over each value - as shown below.

const interpolateValues = (startOutputendOutputinterpolationFactor) =>
    if ( 
startOutput.length == )
startOutput.map((starti) => {
end endOutput[i];
        if (
isNaN(end) || isNaN(start)) {
console.warn('Encountered NaN in animation output data.');
start// Fallback to start if NaN encountered
start + (end start) * interpolationFactor;
// end interpolateValues(..)

let interpolatedOutput interpolateValues(startOutputendOutputinterpolationFactor);

You can see the working animation as the bottom - the biggest pain was debugging it in JavaScript - as you know it is something to do with rotation - but because it's a complex model with 100+ bones and the glitch only happening very occasionally - it took longer than it should have!

Working dance - that
Working dance - that's smooth as jello on a slippy sloppy surface!

Just goes to show - even though the code works - and it seems okay in initial testig with some simple skinned models - it doesn't mean it's bug free!!!

Resources & Links

Animated Code/Demo Michelle Skinning Project

Interested in the glTF file format - more here

WebGPU Development Pixels - coding fragment shaders from post processing to ray tracing! WebGPU by Example: Fractals, Image Effects, Ray-Tracing, Procedural Geometry, 2D/3D, Particles, Simulations WebGPU Games WGSL 2d 3d interactive web-based fun learning WebGPU Compute WebGPU API - Owners WebGPU Development Cookbook - coding recipes for all your webgpu needs! WebGPU & WGSL Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Interactive Graphics, Games, 2D Interfaces, 3D Meshes, Animation, Security and Production Kenwright graphics and animations using the webgpu api 12 week course kenwright learn webgpu api kenwright programming compute and graphics applications with html5 and webgpu api kenwright real-time 3d graphics with webgpu kenwright webgpu for dummies kenwright webgpu api develompent a quick start guide kenwright webgpu by example 2022 kenwright webgpu gems kenwright webgpu interactive compute and graphics visualization cookbook kenwright wgsl webgpu shading language cookbook kenwright WebGPU Shader Language Development: Vertex, Fragment, Compute Shaders for Programmers Kenwright wgsl webgpugems shading language cookbook kenwright WGSL Fundamentals book kenwright WebGPU Data Visualization Cookbook kenwright Special Effects Programming with WebGPU kenwright WebGPU Programming Guide: Interactive Graphics and Compute Programming with WebGPU & WGSL kenwright Ray-Tracing with WebGPU kenwright

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