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The Maths of 3D

You can't have 3D without a little maths...


Rasterization : Solid Green Triangle

by bkenwright@xbdev.net




Well I say solid green in the title, but of course you can use any colour you want - and because we are only aiming to draw a solid triangle here - later on, when you add things like lighting and shading to your drawing/3D rasterization engine, the triangle will be multi-coloured....using Gourand shading for example :)


Part-1- of our code demonstrates the principle of how you would go about rendering a general triangle.  Remember what I said 'General' Triangle.  As you will most likely split up your rendering process into 3 parts eventually, so you can get the most speed.  The 3 types of triangle, are a triangle with a flat bottom....and triangle with a flat top...and of course a general triangle...which can be any type of triangle.


I think the code is pretty simple to follow, but I will take the time to explain it in a bit - but be sure you understand how it works - as we will be modifying it to a fixed point 16-16 format later on so we can sqeeezzeee the most amount of speed from this simple triangle drawing algorithm.




void setpixel(unsigned int* pBits, int w, int h, int pitch,

                    int x, int y, DWORD dwColour)


      pBits[x + y*(pitch>>2)]=dwColour;

}// end of setpixel


void cls(unsigned int* pBits, int w, int h, int pitch)


      for(int y=0; y<h; y++)


            for(int x=0; x<w; x++)


                  pBits[x + y*(pitch>>2)] = 0xff444444;



}// end of cls(..)



void SWAP(int& a, int& b)


      int temp = a;

      a = b;

      b = temp;



void SWAP(float& a, float& b)


      float temp = a;

      a = b;

      b = temp;



void Draw_Solid_Triangle(unsigned int* pBits, int w, int h, int pitch,

                        int x0, int y0,

                              int x1, int y1,

                              int x2, int y2, DWORD dwColour)


      // Sort our points into order of y

      // 0 top

      // 2 middle

      // 1 bottom

      if( y1 < y0 )


            SWAP(y1, y0);

            SWAP(x1, x0);


      if( y2 < y0 )


            SWAP(y2, y0);

            SWAP(x2, x0);


      if( y1 < y2 )


            SWAP(y2, y1);

            SWAP(x2, x1);



      float xl_edge = (float)x0;  // left edge

      float xr_edge = (float)x0;  // right edge


      float dxldy;

      float dxrdy;


      float dxdy1 = (float)(x2-x0)/(y2-y0);

      float dxdy2 = (float)(x1-x0)/(y1-y0);


      if( dxdy1 < dxdy2 )


            dxldy = dxdy1;

            dxrdy = dxdy2;




            dxldy = dxdy2;

            dxrdy = dxdy1;




      // Top of the triangle

      for(int y=y0; y<y2; y++)



            for(int x=xl_edge; x<xr_edge; x++)


                  setpixel(pBits, w, h, pitch,

                             x, y, dwColour);

            }//end for loop x


            xl_edge = xl_edge + dxldy;

            xr_edge = xr_edge + dxrdy;


      }// end for loop y



      // Bottom half of the triangle


      if( dxdy1 < dxdy2 )


            dxldy = (float)(x2-x1)/(y2-y1);




            dxrdy = (float)(x2-x1)/(y2-y1);




      for(int y=y2; y<y1; y++)



            for(int x=xl_edge; x<xr_edge; x++)


                  setpixel(pBits, w, h, pitch,

                             x, y, dwColour);

            }//end for loop x


            xl_edge = xl_edge + dxldy;

            xr_edge = xr_edge + dxrdy;


      }// end for loop y



      extern HWND hWnd;

      char buf[200];

      sprintf(buf, "y0: %d, y2: %d, y1:%d", y0, y2, y1);

      SetWindowText(hWnd, buf);




void Render(unsigned int* pBits, int w, int h, int pitch)


      // Clear our screen to black

      cls(pBits, w, h, pitch);


      int x0=100,  y0=100;

      static int x1=90;

      static int y1=100;

      int x2=260,  y2=350;


      extern HWND hWnd;

      POINT mousePos;


      ScreenToClient(hWnd, &mousePos);


      if( (mousePos.y < h) && (mousePos.x>0) && (mousePos.x<w) && (mousePos.y>0) )


            char buf[200];

            sprintf(buf, "x: %d, y: %d", mousePos.x, mousePos.y);

            //SetWindowText(hWnd, buf);


            x1 = mousePos.x;

            y1 = mousePos.y;



      Draw_Solid_Triangle(pBits, w, h, pitch,

                        x0, y0,

                              x1, y1,

                              x2, y2, 0xff00ff00);


}// end of Render(..)




{To be continued}


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