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LIDAR (LAS) File Formats

Point Cloud Data


LiDAR DATA! It's the universal format for 3D point cloud data!

Simple web-based LAS file reader/parser - viewer - loads the file and dumps the values to the output.

Great little learning tool for understanding the format.

LiDAR parser output - for the listing shown below. Reads in a test file and dumps the coordinates to the output window.
LiDAR parser output - for the listing shown below. Reads in a test file and dumps the coordinates to the output window.

title>LAS File Parser xbdev.net</title>
h1>LAS File Parser</h1>
input type="file" id="fileInput" />
button id="parseButton">Parse LAS File</button>
pre id="output"></pre>

document.getElementById('parseButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
fileInput document.getElementById('fileInput');
      if (
fileInput.files.length === 0) {
alert('Please select a LAS file.');
file fileInput.files[0];

async function parseLasFile(file) {
arrayBuffer await file.arrayBuffer();
buffer = new DataView(arrayBuffer);

// Extract header information
const header = {};
header.fileSignature String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer.slice(04)));
      if (
header.fileSignature !== 'LASF') {
alert('Not a valid LAS file.');
header.versionMajor buffer.getUint8(24);
header.versionMinor buffer.getUint8(25);
header.pointDataOffset buffer.getUint32(96true);
header.numberOfPointRecords buffer.getUint32(107true);
header.pointDataRecordFormat buffer.getUint8(104);
header.pointDataRecordLength buffer.getUint16(105true);
header.xScaleFactor buffer.getFloat64(131true);
header.yScaleFactor buffer.getFloat64(139true);
header.zScaleFactor buffer.getFloat64(147true);
header.xOffset buffer.getFloat64(155true);
header.yOffset buffer.getFloat64(163true);
header.zOffset buffer.getFloat64(171true);


points = [];

// Read point data
const pointDataStart header.pointDataOffset;
      for (
let i 0header.numberOfPointRecordsi++) {
offset pointDataStart header.pointDataRecordLength;

xRaw buffer.getInt32(offsettrue);
yRaw buffer.getInt32(offset 4true);
zRaw buffer.getInt32(offset 8true);

xRaw header.xScaleFactor header.xOffset;
yRaw header.yScaleFactor header.yOffset;
zRaw header.zScaleFactor header.zOffset;

        if (
10) { // Only log the first 10 points to avoid excessive logging
console.log(`Point ${i}: raw(${xRaw}${yRaw}${zRaw}) -> scaled(${x}${y}${z})`);

points.push({ xy});


displayPoints(points) {
outputElement document.getElementById('output');
outputElement.textContent JSON.stringify(pointsnull2);

Little looksy at what the output would look like:

log:["Point 0: raw(23084422, 5208093, -26) -> scaled(2230844.22, 252080.93, -0.026000000000000002)"]
log:["Point 1: raw(23081793, 5208206, 226) -> scaled(2230817.93, 252082.06, 0.226)"]
log:["Point 2: raw(23084437, 5208092, 204) -> scaled(2230844.37, 252080.91999999998, 0.20400000000000001)"]
log:["Point 3: raw(23105369, 5207193, 1613) -> scaled(2231053.69, 252071.93, 1.613)"]
log:["Point 4: raw(23104803, 5207218, 1493) -> scaled(2231048.03, 252072.18, 1.493)"]
log:["Point 5: raw(23104880, 5207214, 1673) -> scaled(2231048.8, 252072.14, 1.673)"]
log:["Point 6: raw(23094007, 5207681, 74) -> scaled(2230940.07, 252076.81, 0.074)"]
log:["Point 7: raw(23079978, 5208284, 88) -> scaled(2230799.78, 252082.84, 0.088)"]
log:["Point 8: raw(23074573, 5208528, -37) -> scaled(2230745.73, 252085.28, -0.037)"]
log:["Point 9: raw(23107424, 5207117, 2261) -> scaled(2231074.24, 252071.16999999998, 2.261)"]

The example extracts and displays the x,y,z coordinates from the LiDAR (LAS) file. However, the file also contains other information, such as colors, which can be checked for with the
information from the header.

Things to Try

• LAZ (.laz) compressed version of the LiDAR form (data is compressed)

Resources and Links

• LAS Specification 1.4 - R15 [LINK]
• plas.io viewer [LINK]

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