abc(char *str)
FILE *fp = fopen("output.txt", "a+");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", str);
int magic;
// The magic number used to identify the file.
int version;
// The file version number (must be 8).
int skinWidth;
// The width in pixels of our image.
int skinHeight;
// The height in pixels of our image.
int frameSize;
// The size in bytes the frames are.
int numSkins;
// The number of skins associated with the model.
int numVertices;
// The number of vertices.
int numTexCoords;
// The number of texture coordinates.
int numTriangles;
// The number of faces (polygons).
int numGlCommands;
// The number of gl commands.
int numFrames;
// The number of animated frames.
int offsetSkins;
// The offset in the file for the skin data.
int offsetTexCoords;//
The offset in the file for the texture data.
int offsetTriangles;//
The offset in the file for the face data.
int offsetFrames;
// The offset in the file for the frames data.
int offsetGlCommands;//
The offset in the file for the gl commands data.
int offsetEnd;
// The end of the file offset.
stMd2Header Md2Header;
// Some structures to hold or read in data in.
char skinName[64];
short u, v;
float vertex[3];
float normal[3];
byte vertex[3]; // an index reference into the
location of our vertexs
byte lightNormalIndex; // in index into which
coords to use.
float scale[3];
float translate[3];
char strFrameName[16];
stVerts *pVerts;
_stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance,
HINSTANCE n, char *k,
int l)
FILE *f = fopen("pac3D.md2", "rb");
fread(&Md2Header, 1, sizeof(Md2Header), f);
// Allocate memory for our data so we can read it
stSkins* pSkins = new stSkins[
Md2Header.numSkins ];
stTexCoords* pTexCoords = new stTexCoords[
Md2Header.numTexCoords ];
stTriangles* pTriangles = new stTriangles[
Md2Header.numTriangles ];
stFrames* pFrames = new stFrames[
Md2Header.numFrames ];
// -1- Seek to the start of our skins name data
and read it in.
fseek(f, Md2Header.offsetSkins, SEEK_SET);
fread(pSkins, sizeof(stSkins),
Md2Header.numSkins, f);
// -2- Seek to the start of our Texture Coord data
and read it in.
fseek(f, Md2Header.offsetTexCoords, SEEK_SET);
fread(pTexCoords, sizeof(stTexCoords),
Md2Header.numTexCoords, f);
// -3- Seek to the start of the Triangle(e.g.
Faces) data and read that in.
fseek(f, Md2Header.offsetTriangles, SEEK_SET);
fread(pTriangles, sizeof(stTriangles),
Md2Header.numTriangles, f);
// -4- Finally lets read in "one" of the frames,
the first one.!
fseek(f, Md2Header.offsetFrames, SEEK_SET);
pFrames[0].pVerts = new stVerts[
Md2Header.numVertices ];
fread(pFrames, 1, Md2Header.frameSize, f);
// CONVERSION! A few things before we can use our
read in values,
// for some reason the Z and Y need to be swapped,
as Z is facing up
// and Y is facing into the screen.
// Also our texture coordinates values are between
0 and 256, we just
// divide them all by 256 which makes them between
0 and 1.
// Swap Z<->Y
for(int i=0;
i< Md2Header.numVertices; i++)
stVerts tempVert;
tempVert.vertex[1] = pFrames[0].pVerts[i].vertex[1];
// y
tempVert.vertex[2] = pFrames[0].pVerts[i].vertex[2];
// z
pFrames[0].pVerts[i].vertex[1] = tempVert.vertex[2];
// z->y
pFrames[0].pVerts[i].vertex[2] = tempVert.vertex[1];
// y->z
// Scale Textures.
for (int
j=0; j< Md2Header.numTexCoords; j++)
pTexCoords[j].u = pTexCoords[j].u /
pTexCoords[j].v = pTexCoords[j].v /
// Now --Here-- is where we have all our data...if
we wanted to could
// convert of draw it here or something... but
since we only wanted
// to see how its extracted, we just clean up
after ourselfs and exit.
// Tidy up before exiting.
delete[] pFrames[0].pVerts;
delete[] pSkins;
delete[] pTexCoords;
delete[] pTriangles;
delete[] pFrames;
return 1;
} |