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Fractals > Fractal Words and Sentences

Fractals, often associated with geometric shapes, can also be used in linguistic contexts to produce patterns resembling natural language. Generating words and sentences using fractal algorithms is an interesting idea which involves applying recursive substitution rules to create complex structures that exhibit self-similarity across different scales.

At its core, fractal word and sentence generation rely on defining substitution rules for characters or words and recursively applying these rules to expand a seed word or sentence into a more complex structure. Each iteration of the algorithm replaces elements based on the predefined rules, resulting in patterns that resemble the original structure but with increasing complexity.

Fractal algorithms for word and sentence generation offer insights into the underlying complexity and self-similarity present in natural language. They provide a creative approach to generating text that mimics linguistic patterns while also showcasing the beauty and intricacy of fractal geometry. These algorithms can be adapted and extended to explore various aspects of language generation, contributing to both artistic expression and scientific inquiry in the field of computational linguistics.

Fractal Words

Simple JavaScript program that generates words using fractal algorithms. This program defines a set of rules for each character to generate fractal-like patterns. The generateFractalWord function takes a seed word and the number of iterations to apply the fractal rules recursively. Generates words by recursively replacing each character with a sequence of characters based on predefined rules, mimicking the fractal-like patterns:

Things to Try

You can adjust the rules in the fractalRules object to create different patterns.

Words to Sentences

Generating sentences using fractals is a bit more complex than words (example above), but we can use a similar approach where each character is replaced by a sequence of characters following predefined rules.

Define rules not just for individual characters, but for sequences of characters to generate more coherent sentences.

Here's a JavaScript program to generate fractal sentences:

Things to Try

• Try other fractal rules for the sentences.
• The final sentence, correct the first letter so it's 'capital' and there is a full stop at the end.
• Create a function that constructs an entire paragraph (create multiple sentences and puts them together)
• Add a large database of example rules and sentences
• Try different fractal algorithms
• Mix in noise/bias
• Develop a visualization output (shows generated sentences and different words in different colors)

Creating Poetry with Fractals

We can generate a fractal poem by defining rules and recursively applying these rules to build the poem. Each iteration of the algorithm will add more complexity to the poem by replacing elements based on the predefined rules.

Not an amazing poem, but it's a good starting point:

Things to Try

• Try more fractal rules
• Add a tools to visualize and rate the generated poems
• Create an output interface so the generated poem is put on screen (not just to the debug console)

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