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XNA & 360

The bits and bytes of XNA and C# for your 360...



Mini Mario Scrolling Game

by Ben Kenwright


Everyones done a simple scrolling game. Mine is called Mini-Mario - please excuse the art work, its simple and fun I though...but your welcome to use your own.


2 Parts

    o Level Editor

        + Lets you customise each level, place trees, blocks, water, enemies

        + Save each level out as a level.txt file (edit it in notepad to see what its generated)

    o GameCode

        + Basically the game

        + All the pngs, tgas etc must be also added to the game project os you can compile and use them on your 360 game.



Full SourceCode Editor & Game Code (~450kb)
I originally was editing the level in paintshop, but after a while I thought it would only take a day to put together a nice editor.  So I ended up writing a simple editor that lets you select the blocks that you want and drop them into the level.  Also you can adjust the walls-physics for different things.








I took a few screenshots of the game so you can essentially see it running - it looks a lot better when you run it.  You can also enable the background image which for example would draw a forest or something behind the player.



















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