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Noise Categories - Managing the Madness!

Their seems to be so many noise functions - their are hundreds if not thousands of noise algorithms - each with their own name and characteristics.

However, we try and categories the noise functions - group them together - so that we have a handful of types of noises.

Elaboration on an earlier article which was collecting noise functions (LINK). In this article, we sort of try and organise things - and take things further. Each noise function is linked to an interactive example - so you can click on it and see a hacky version of the noise. Send me a quick email if you find a bug or think of a tidier version/better version :)

Out of the 60 example noise functions - we'll group them into 7 main categories (given below).

Noise Function Categories

Base Noise 1. Random Noise 2. Value Noise 3. Gradient Noise 4. White Noise 5. Uniform Noise 6. Blue Noise 7. Pink Noise 8. Gaussian Noise Complex & Layered Noise 9. Fractal Noise 10. Octave Noise 11. Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) 12. Turbulence Noise 13. Layered Noise 14. Perlin Noise 15. Fractal Cellular Noise 16. Noise Blending 17. Domain Warping Directional Noise 18. Flow Noise 19. Anisotropic Noise 20. Gradient Squared Noise 21. Angular Gradient Noise 22. Spiral Noise 23. Stripe Noise 24. Stripe Gradient Noise 25. Directional Voronoi Cellular Noise 26. Voronoi Noise 27. Worley Noise 28. Cellular Noise 29. Fractal Voronoi 30. Spiral Voronoi 31. Noisy Voronoi Patterned Noise 32. Ring Noise 33. Radial Noise 34. Ripple Noise 35. Polygonal Grid Noise 36. Crosshatch Noise 37. Starburst Noise 38. Circular Wave Noise 39. Spiral Gradient Noise 40. Plasma Noise 41. Interference Noise 42. Checkerboard Noise 43. Hexagonal Noise Animated/Temporal Noise 44. Offset Noise 45. Warped Noise 46. Seamless Noise 47. Texture Distortion Noise 48. Dynamic Noise 49. Time-Varying Voronoi 50. Animated Gradient Noise Specialized Noise 51. Tileable Noise 52. Gradient Ridge Noise 53. Multiscale Noise 54. Spectral Noise 55. Blob Noise 56. Point Cluster Noise 57. Crystal Noise 58. Wavelet Noise 59. Ridged FBM Noise 60. Sparse Convolution Noise

The following give a small description of each example noise function from above - in addition to a mockup code implementation in WGSL (WebGPU Shader Language).

Base Noise

1. Random Noise

Generates uncorrelated random values across the domain.

   fn random(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
fract(sin(dot(uvvec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);

2. Value Noise

Interpolates random values to create smooth transitions.

   fn valueNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let cell floor(uv);
let frac fract(uv);
let randomValues vec2<f32>(random(cell), random(cell vec2<f32>(1.00.0)));

3. Gradient Noise

Utilizes gradient vectors to interpolate smooth noise.

   fn gradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let cell floor(uv);
let grad fract(sin(vec2<f32>(dot(cellvec2<f32>(127.1311.7)), dot(cell vec2<f32>(1.00.0), vec2<f32>(269.5183.3)))) * 43758.5453);

4. White Noise

Produces uncorrelated, high-frequency noise.

   fn whiteNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

5. Uniform Noise

Generates noise with uniform distribution.

   fn uniformNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

6. Blue Noise

Low-frequency noise optimized for dithering.

   fn blueNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

7. Pink Noise

Lower frequency noise useful in audio synthesis.

   fn pinkNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
pow(random(uv), 1.0 3.0);

8. Gaussian Noise

Generates noise with a Gaussian distribution.

   fn gaussianNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let rand1 random(uv);
let rand2 random(uv vec2<f32>(1.01.0));
sqrt(-2.0 log(rand1)) * cos(6.283185 rand2);

Complex/Layered Noise

9. Fractal Noise

Combines multiple layers of noise at different scales.

   fn fractalNoise(uvvec2<f32>, octavesi32) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
frequency 1.0;
amplitude 1.0;
       for (var 
ii32 0octaves1) {
value += fbm(uv frequency) * amplitude;
frequency *= 2.0;
amplitude *= 0.5;

10. Octave Noise

A simpler layering of multiple frequencies of noise.

    fn octaveNoise(uvvec2<f32>, octavesi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0octaves1) {
result += fbm(uv pow(2.0f32(i))) / pow(2.0f32(i));

11. Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM)

A widely-used method for natural-looking noise patterns.

    fn fbm(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
frequency 1.0;
amplitude 0.5;
        for (var 
ii32 051) {
value += gradientNoise(uv frequency) * amplitude;
frequency *= 2.0;
amplitude *= 0.5;

12. Turbulence Noise

A variant of FBM using absolute values for sharper textures.

    fn turbulence(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
value 0.0;
frequency 1.0;
        for (var 
ii32 051) {
value += abs(gradientNoise(uv frequency));
frequency *= 2.0;

13. Layered Noise

Stacks noise layers for texture complexity.

    fn layeredNoise(uvvec2<f32>, layersi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0layers1) {
result += gradientNoise(uv pow(2.0f32(i))) / pow(2.0f32(i));

14. Perlin Noise

A classic noise function used in procedural generation.

    fn perlinNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let cell floor(uv);
let grad fract(sin(vec2<f32>(dot(cellvec2<f32>(127.1311.7)), dot(cell vec2<f32>(1.00.0), vec2<f32>(269.5183.3)))) * 43758.5453);

15. Fractal Cellular Noise

Combines cellular noise with fractal layers.

    fn fractalCellularNoise(uvvec2<f32>, layersi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0layers1) {
result += voronoiNoise(uv pow(2.0f32(i))) / pow(2.0f32(i));

16. Noise Blending

Interpolates between multiple noise types.

    fn noiseBlending(uvvec2<f32>, weightf32) -> f32 {
mix(gradientNoise(uv), voronoiNoise(uv), weight);

17. Domain Warping

Applies noise to distort its own domain.

    fn domainWarping(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let warp fbm(uv);
fbm(uv warp);

Directional Noise

18. Flow Noise

Produces smoothly flowing patterns, ideal for fluid effects.

    fn flowNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let warpedUV uv vec2<f32>(sin(time), cos(time));

19. Anisotropic Noise

Stretches noise along a specific axis for directional effects.

    fn anisotropicNoise(uvvec2<f32>, directionvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let stretchUV uv direction;

20. Gradient Squared Noise

Amplifies directional gradients for sharp features.

    fn gradientSquaredNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let grad gradientNoise(uv);
grad grad;

21. Angular Gradient Noise

Creates angular patterns for circular or star-like effects.

    fn angularGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x) * 0.5 3.14159;
abs(fract(angle) - 0.5);

22. Spiral Noise

Generates spiraling patterns.

    fn spiralNoise(uvvec2<f32>, twistsf32) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
abs(sin(angle twists length(uv)));

23. Stripe Noise

Produces parallel line patterns.

    fn stripeNoise(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32) -> f32 {

24. Stripe Gradient Noise

Adds a gradient effect to stripe noise.

    fn stripeGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32minValuef32maxValuef32) -> f32 {

25. Directional Voronoi

Orients Voronoi noise in a specific direction.

    fn directionalVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>, directionvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let dirUV uv direction;

Cellular Noise

26. Voronoi Noise

Generates cell-like patterns with varying sizes.

    fn voronoiNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let cell floor(uv);
let frac fract(uv);
minDist 1.0;
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
            for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor cell vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point neighbor random(neighbor);
let dist length(frac - (point cell));
minDist min(minDistdist);

27. Worley Noise

Computes distances to nearest neighbors for texture variety.

    fn worleyNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
minDistf32 1e9;
// Generate feature points and calculate distance
for (var ii32 = -1<= 11) {
            for (var 
ji32 = -1<= 11) {
featurePoint floor(uv) + vec2<f32>(f32(i), f32(j)) + fract(sin(vec2<f32>(dot(floor(uv) + vec2<f32>(f32(i), f32(j)), vec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453));
distf32 length(uv featurePoint);
                if (
dist minDist) {
minDist dist;

28. Cellular Noise

Combines cellular techniques for organic looks.

    fn cellularNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
worleyNoise(uv) - voronoiNoise(uv); // or another combination of functions

29. Fractal Voronoi

Layers Voronoi noise for fractal patterns.

    fn fractalVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>, octavesi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0octaves1) {
result += voronoiNoise(uv pow(2.0f32(i))) / pow(2.0f32(i));

30. Spiral Voronoi

Twists Voronoi cells into spirals.

    fn spiralVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>, twistsf32) -> f32 {
voronoiNoise(uv vec2<f32>(sin(twists), cos(twists)));

31. Noisy Voronoi

Adds randomness to Voronoi cells.

    fn noisyVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
voronoiNoise(uv) * random(uv);

Patterned Noise

32. Ring Noise

Produces concentric rings.

    fn ringNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
abs(sin(length(uv) * 10.0));

33. Radial Noise

Creates circular, radial patterns.

    fn radialNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
fract(length(uv) * 5.0);

34. Ripple Noise

Mimics ripples in water.

    fn rippleNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(length(uv) * 10.0) * 0.5 0.5;

35. Polygonal Grid Noise

Creates a grid of polygons like hexagons.

    fn polygonalGridNoise(uvvec2<f32>, sidesf32) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x) + 3.14159;
let segment floor(angle / (6.28318 sides));
fract(segment random(uv));

36. Crosshatch Noise

Produces crosshatching patterns.

    fn crosshatchNoise(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32) -> f32 {
let lineX step(0.5sin(uv.frequency) * 0.5 0.5);
let lineY step(0.5sin(uv.frequency) * 0.5 0.5);
lineX lineY;

37. Starburst Noise

Radiates lines from a central point.

    fn starburstNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
abs(sin(atan2(uv.yuv.x) * 10.0));

38. Circular Wave Noise

Produces expanding concentric waves.

    fn circularWaveNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
sin(length(uv) * 10.0 time);

39. Spiral Gradient Noise

Generates a gradient that spirals outward.

    fn spiralGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32amplitudef32) -> f32 {
let angle atan2(uv.yuv.x);
let dist length(uv);
// Create a spiral pattern with frequency and amplitude controls
let spiral sin(angle frequency dist amplitude);
// Blend the spiral pattern with noise
let noise random(uv);
// Fade the effect based on distance
let fade smoothstep(0.01.0dist);
// Combine the spiral and noise with the fade
return mix(noisespiralfade);

40. Plasma Noise

Produces a plasma-like, colorful pattern resource.

    fn plasmaNoise(uvinvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
scale:f32 0.1;
timef32 0.5;
uv uvin*scale;
let layer1 sin(uv.10.0 time) * cos(uv.10.0 time);
let layer2 sin(uv.20.0 uv.20.0 time 2.0) * 0.5;
let layer3 cos(uv.40.0 uv.40.0 time 4.0) * 0.25;
let noise layer1 layer2 layer3;
noise 0.5 0.5// Normalize to range [0, 1]

41. Interference Noise

Simulates wave interference.

    fn interferenceNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
sin(uv.5.0) + cos(uv.5.0);

42. Checkerboard Noise

Produces a checkerboard pattern.

    fn checkerboardNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let check floor(uv.x) + floor(uv.y);
fract(sin(check) * 43758.5453);

43. Hexagonal Noise

Creates a hexagonal tiling pattern.

    fn hexagonalNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
// Constants to define hexagonal grid
let k vec2<f32>( sqrt(3.0), 1.0);
// Transform UV coordinates to hexagonal grid space
let uv_hex vec2<f32>(
// Calculate hexagonal cell coordinates
let cell floor(uv_hex);
let f fract(uv_hex);
// Calculate noise values for the corners of the hexagon
let corners = array<vec2<f32>, 6>(
vec2<f32>(-0.5, -0.866)
noise_valuef32 0.0;
min_distancef32 1e10;
        for (var 
iu32 0u6u1u) {
let corner cell corners[i];
let dist distance(uv_hexcorner);
            if (
dist min_distance) {
min_distance dist;
noise_value fract(sin(dot(cornervec2<f32>(12.989878.233))) * 43758.5453);

Animated/Temporal Noise

44. Offset Noise

Introduces an offset effect, often used for animation.

    fn offsetNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
random(uv time);

45. Warped Noise

Distorts the noise field over time to create dynamic effects.

    fn warpedNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let warpedUV uv sin(time uv) * 0.5;

46. Seamless Noise

Creates a continuous, looping noise pattern, typically used in textures.

    fn seamlessNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let repeatUV fract(uv);

47. Texture Distortion Noise

Distorts texture coordinates for dynamic texture animation.

    fn textureDistortionNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let distortedUV uv sin(uv time) * 0.1;

48. Dynamic Noise

Changes its characteristics over time for evolving patterns.

    fn dynamicNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let dynamicUV uv time 0.1;

49. Time-Varying Voronoi

Modifies the Voronoi cells over time for moving patterns.

    fn timeVaryingVoronoi(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let timeShiftedUV uv time 0.1;

50. Animated Gradient Noise

Creates animated gradients by adjusting the direction over time.

    fn animatedGradientNoise(uvvec2<f32>, timef32) -> f32 {
let angle time atan2(uv.yuv.x);
let gradient vec2<f32>(cos(angle), sin(angle));

Specialized Noise

51. Tileable Noise

Generates repeating noise patterns, typically used for textures.

    fn tileableNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

52. Gradient Ridge Noise

Adds ridges to gradient noise for more pronounced features.

    fn gradientRidgeNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
let gradient gradientNoise(uv);
abs(gradient) * 2.0 1.0;

53. Multiscale Noise

Combines multiple noise functions at different scales.

    fn multiscaleNoise(uvvec2<f32>, scalesi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0scales1) {
result += random(uv pow(2.0f32(i))) / pow(2.0f32(i));

54. Spectral Noise

Noise with controlled frequency components, often for sound design.

    fn spectralNoise(uvvec2<f32>, frequencyf32) -> f32 {
random(uv frequency);

55. Blob Noise

Creates irregular blob-like structures.

    fn blobNoise(uvvec2<f32>, sizef32) -> f32 {
minDistf32 0.0// Initialize with a large value
for (var yi32 = -1<= 11) {
            for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point floor(uv) + neighbor random(floor(uv) + neighbor);
let dist length(uv point) * 2.0;
                if ( 
dist 1.5 && minDist==0.0)
minDist 8.0;
minDist min(minDistdist) ;
exp(-minDist size);

56. Point Cluster Noise

Generates clustered points for dense structures.

    fn pointClusterNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {

57. Crystal Noise

Creates crystal-like sharp, angular noise patterns.

    fn crystalNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
minDistf32 1.0// Initialize with a large value
var facetvec2<f32> = vec2<f32>(0.00.0);
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
            for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let point floor(uv) + neighbor random(floor(uv) + neighbor);
let dist length(uv point);
                if (
dist minDist) {
minDist dist;
facet point;
let angle atan2(uv.facet.yuv.facet.x);
abs(sin(angle 10.0));

58. Wavelet Noise

Uses wavelets to generate smooth, multi-scale noise.

    fn waveletNoise(uvvec2<f32>, scalef32) -> f32 {
let noise sin(uv.scale random(uv) * scale) * cos(uv.scale random(uv.yx) * scale);

59. Ridged FBM Noise

A variant of FBM that enhances high-frequency features.

    fn ridgedFBM(uvvec2<f32>, octavesi32) -> f32 {
result 0.0;
amplitude 1.0;
        for (var 
ii32 0octaves1) {
result += amplitude * (1.0 abs(fbm(uv pow(2.0f32(i))))) / pow(2.0f32(i));
amplitude *= 0.5;

60. Sparse Convolution Noise

Noise with sparse, scattered values used for specialized effects.

    fn sparseConvolutionNoise(uvvec2<f32>) -> f32 {
scalef32 2.0;
totalf32 0.0;
weightf32 0.0;
        for (var 
yi32 = -1<= 11) {
            for (var 
xi32 = -1<= 11) {
let neighbor vec2<f32>(f32(x), f32(y));
let offset random(neighbor) * scale;
let point uv neighbor offset;
let value random(point);
let dist length(neighbor);
let influence 1.0 / (1.0 dist);
total += value influence;
weight += influence;
total weight;

Resources & Links

• WebGPU Code Samples/Interactive (LINK)

• Lots of noise functions on a single image (LINK)

• Earlier article when research the and collecting different noise functions (just functions) (LINK)

• Diary/run through of noise (LINK)

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